Guest Post: 6 Tips on How to Promote Your Website

Sueli Mezz
6 min readJan 2, 2018


Building a website for your brand is an integral first step to making it big in the online and offline markets. The following steps will mainly consist of marketing efforts to drive website traffic. In the hopes of raking in sales via customer conversion, a company must really work hard in these marketing efforts to get people’s attention. The key to this is to think like an unsuspecting target audience.

if you were to come across this ad or marketing campaign online, will you be interested? will you click on the link right away or simply scroll on much more interesting posts?

Having this initial mindset will help you make better marketing strategies and decisions that will yield more public interest and sales. Hungry for more tips to unleash your full digital marketing potential? You’re in luck because here, we have six.

Social Media

If we’re living in the digital age, you can’t deny that social media is the language that binds us all together. With Facebook alone, amassing 1.9 billion active users monthly, social media is a great big force that’s shaping modern businesses. We’re talking about millions of potential leads and a percentage of that transformed into a solid following and, of course, sales. If you’re a brand with a website, surely you can create an official account on Facebook as well. Don’t stop there. Several brands also turn to other leading social media platforms to drive website traffic. These include Instagram, Twitter, and just recently Snapchat.

Think of social media as an extension of your website. These platforms serve as a center for you to engage with your existing followers, acquire more leads, and give regular updates about your brand. Your aim is to migrate these people to your website and increase both your traffic and online presence. Every marketing campaign done on social media should be redirected to your website if you want both of these online venues to flourish.

Paid Ads

Let’s take paid Facebook ads to be more specific. If you really want to be serious about marketing your website and making some money from it, you have to allocate a bit of your marketing budget into paid ads. The cool thing about Facebook’s advertising scheme is that it customizes your target audience according to how much you’re willing to shell out. You get to decide how long will the ad/s be circulated, as well as certain preferences for your targeted audience, including age range, locations, and key interests. These options make it easier for you to gather acquisitions and leads as there’s a greater chance that these people would be interested in your brand.

If you create meaningful, share-worthy content, the paid ads are only the start of a potentially successful marketing campaign. You may think that organic traffic doesn’t really amount to much, but you’ll be surprised with how well this performs in the social media setting. You’ll find that each share and tag is a free marketing device that could spread like wildfire across Facebook friends and networks. Paid ads can be a game changer in your digital marketing efforts, so best treat these as an investment rather than added expense.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Every marketer and website admin knows the value of great SEO. This can be incorporated into your content, website template, photos, and other media. The logic as to why this is a crucial element in your marketing efforts is all too simple. What do you do when you’re looking to buy a certain something online? Make use of search engines, that’s what. You know what they say– the best place to hide a dead body is the second page of search engine results. No one ever goes there. This is where SEO comes in handy.

If your website is laced with good SEO, you get higher search engine rankings. Higher search engine rankings mean more authority and credibility. So, pay attention to your main and long-tail keywords. If possible, you must secure good SEO in all aspects of your website before you launch it. This will offer more online visibility and drive more website traffic.

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Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the oldest marketing strategies in the book. It’s also still one of the strongest. Encourage your readers not only to visit your website regularly for updates but also to subscribe to your mailing list. Make your invitations compelling. Make them want to subscribe by promising exclusive content, new launches, promotions, and other exciting benefits. Your emails should also be compelling. These should encourage your followers to check back on the website regularly.


Hiring influencers to market your brand can really do your website well. These models and professionals of the trade should have followers by the thousands or more if you want your products and/or services to pique mass interest. Sending X-deal gifts/sponsorship is one way of establishing relationships with these influencers. Some, on the other hand, are paid in cash for every promotional post on their feeds. You can also feature them on your website to solidify your endorsement deal.

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Guest Contribution

Guest contribution/guest blogging is often overlooked as a marketing effort. Some people fail to grasp the advantages it offers. The truth is, a guest contribution is one of the most effective ways to drive visitor migration. It starts by looking for blogs and websites of the same niche as you and forming a network out of it. By being a guest contributor to some of these blogs and also allowing them to contribute to yours, you’re driving referral traffic from people who share the same interests as you. Guest contribution allows websites of the same niche to help each other grow instead of pulling each other down.

In guest blogging, it’s very important to stick to the given rules and observe proper guest blogging etiquette. You want to be on your best behavior online since you’re representing your website. Be sure to keep your content as good, if not better than what your own content. This is a chance for you to get your brand’s message across websites, so it is best not submit mediocre content. Include links to your website, and some of your social media handles so that interested readers can easily contact you. As a general rule, only team up with websites that are of the same level as yours or higher.


So, there you have it– 6 tips on how to promote your website online. When asked about what Ebloggingacademy thinks about what they think about these 6 tips, they said, they do tell their students about the same. According to them it is very important to promote your website after creating or writing a good post. If you are not promoting, no one will come to know about the masterpiece you just wrote. Always promote your website/article with confidence wherever possible.

Digital marketing can be fun, exciting, and crazy, often all at once. But knowing how much these efforts pay off makes it all worth it in the long run.


Jenny Roberts

Content writer for Buy Real Marketing whose reliability is focused on social media marketing. With her capability, she realizes what a business needs and provide her social media marketing skills merging the Buy Real Marketing services.

