The Daily Dose of Dirt

The Craft and Crone
2 min readMar 16, 2022

March 16, 2022

“Holy. Shiitake. Moly,” my garden needs to be tended. I’ve been blazing trails like there’s no tomorrow, for what if there’s no tomorrow? No, we aren’t promised tomorrow, but regardless, the universe has its unique way to guide us forward with cosmic sign-posts in case tomorrow dawns. And, as far as I can foresee, a new day has dawned with the Moon exiting its transit of Leo shortly after 12:59am(South Georgia Time) and moved its way into the sign of earthy Virgo. This morning, with the Virgo Moon, we seek to tie up loose ends, deal with routine matters, fix what’s broken, and tend our garden. However, be cautious, a Mars-Neptune semi-square occuring has the propensity to over-water and muddy our progress temporarily.

Hold up, cowboy, before you start splashing in mud-puddles or losing confidence in your desires or pursuits, let’s consider where we are in this current lunar cycle. As the moon continues to blossom, it is natural to feel a slight need of inspiration or a well-deserved break. Pressing the pause button to tend our garden is not a sign that our path forward is lacking. Heck no, it simply illuminates where adjustments and redirection may be necessary. It’s quite okay to rest and recuperate before pressing forward at an unsustainable pace. Grace, cowboy, give yourself grace!

The tarot card that flipped over to nourish today’s DIRT sings a song of approval. The “Hierophant,” portrayed as a crow…perhaps a raven… is perched upon a key. I interpret this key to symbolize his pulpit, and his beak is open as if he is preaching to us. No doubt, he seems to have a lot to say! His wings and feathers are ruffled, giving him an air of restlessness. From my point of view, it appears the “Hierophant” is unable to rest until he has delivered his sermon.

This card, from the Major Arcana, is blatantly asking, “Are we willing to sacrifice divine individuality in order to follow the crowds?” I will be the first to answer, “No!” The “Hierophant” energy resonating today is not about forcing beliefs, where you are or where you think you should be. No, it is all about leading us deeper into our own authentic beliefs…knowing where we are is exactly on our divine journey and where we should be. And today, I’m tending my garden.— the Blonde Wise Woman



The Craft and Crone

And now, here is our secret, a very simple secret... Discovering magic in the mundane combined with a Daily Dose of Dirt! Enchanted living for every day!