The Daily Dose of Dirt

The Craft and Crone
3 min readApr 27, 2022


April 27, 2022

I am firmly committed to my divine lifesong. With the rising of the sun, each and every morning, I am blessed with the task of rising to embrace the day with graciousness, understanding and a strong faith in knowing where I am going and how I will get there before the sun sets. Some days are harder than others, but I am your quirky witch-next-door willing to dig in the hard dirt in hopes to soften your journey forward. And, I must confess, the dirt has been harder than usual this lunar cycle. Have you noticed the brilliant sliver of the waning moon in the dark sky? It has definitely caught my attention over the past few days. Seriously, put down your coffee mug and walk outside for a quick look! It is beautiful, wouldn’t you agree? Oh, it beckons me to rest on it’s ledge and watch the world go round and round.

As I was sharing, the dirt has been hard, lately, and today, it is still hard. The Moon wanes in the sign of Pisces until 12:11pm(South Georgia Time) and aligns with Venus, Neptune, and Jupiter. The cosmos is vibrating, and we are truly sitting on the edge of the moon as an increased energy boosts compassion, generosity, and imagination. Moreover, do not underestimate the meeting of Venus and Neptune in the sign of Pisces today. Sure, it may be a gentle and perhaps subtle influence that heightens our sensitivity to — and awareness of — beauty and spirituality, but with this transit, we are easily influenced and easily derailed. Our imaginations are immense, for better or for worse. Psychic openness and compassion are themes in our interactions now. Take note, this can be a magical time of romantic idealism, but it could also prove to be a confusing or illusory influence.

Thank the stars, the Universe shared a tarot card to help dig the hard dirt this morning. I needed the elbow grease and the “Father of Pentacles” flipped-over just in time. This is not the first tango with today’s card, but it is always important to study a card as if it were the first encounter. Visually, we see an adult male deer gazing-out at his surroundings. Immediately, I notice his rainbow colored antlers implying the “Father of Pentacles” is complete, present and multifaceted. He is one of those rare characters who seems to be completely secure in their own worth. He stands with his head held high and a sense of pride emanates from him. I am confident in saying he would never try to hide his antlers away. No, this grand buck has a positive self-image (not to be confused with an overly inflated ego). He truly has no qualms about who he is or for what he stands as he has earned this healthy self-esteem. He is a competent leader and works hard to create results to make a real impact on the world.

The “Father of Pentacles” reminds us to consider how we are approaching the New Moon and a fresh start. Consider how consistency and reliability are being portrayed by yourself and others. If you’re facing challenges, consider what competencies you’ve developed that could be useful. Focus on solutions and step fully into your self-worth. Accentuate what you CAN do and own your abilities. A new beginning is just around the corner of the dark side of the moon. Are you ready? — the Blonde Wise Woman



The Craft and Crone

And now, here is our secret, a very simple secret... Discovering magic in the mundane combined with a Daily Dose of Dirt! Enchanted living for every day!