The Daily Dose of Dirt

The Craft and Crone
3 min readOct 15, 2021

October 15, 2021

Seriously, I’ve always loved the seditious energy of Friday, my beloved, Freya’s Day. In case you’re sitting curious and sipping your favorite brew as me… I am the perpetual “curious kitty cat”… the English name “Friday” is derived from old English and means, “Day of Frigg.” Frigg is the Norse Goddess of fertility and love, who is often perceived as the same deity, Freya. Oh, my, my, the name Freya, always catches my undivided attention. I prefer Freya’s Day over Frigg. Well, if you must know, Freya reigned a chariot drawn by a team of cats instead of traditional horses. Even more, they were gifts to Freya from Thor, and have been described as blueish-gray cats with given names of Bygul and Trjgul. No questions about it, Friday will forever be Freya’s Day to me. And today, Freya’s Day, is proving to be a good day!

💫Sign-Post: The sun forms a trine to Jupiter this morning along with the Aquarius Moon’s alignment to the sun. Consequently, the Moon engages this cosmic energy without a shadow of doubt, and that’s a lot of sign-post to decipher on a Friday morning. Let’s simplify and focus on the positive aspects of this transit which stimulates buoyancy, hope, and a strong desire to rise above. We’re inclusive and concerned with the well-being of everything around us. Stroll with me this morning as we seek to grow, learn, broaden our horizons and overcome petty drama and insignificant differences. Embrace optimism, confidence and get your “Pentacles” in a row.

Oh, come now, freaky Freya’s Day, as IF I could summon my Pentacles to form a straight line. It’s never, ever going to happen! Needless to say, the tarot card for Friday is… you guessed it… the “VII of Pentacles.”

💫The “VII of Pentacles” represents the sweat and tears you’ve poured into your path, the diligent groundwork you’ve paved. It represents the moment when you pause, wipe the dirt from your brow, and step back to make sure everything is accounted for before you press forward. Good grief, sure enough, there is always one “Pentacle” meandering-off.

Don’t fret about it! This card is also our reminder to acknowledge how far we’ve come, and what we’ve achieved so far this “mental” moon cycle. Even when our “Pentacles” are meandering-off and forming every pattern but a straight line, remember the natural rhythms of life form a tangled, imperfect, but perfect, ever-changing-evolving mess.

Hands down, my “Pentacles” will never be chosen for a chorus-line… maybe a modern, interpretive dance routine. Nonetheless, it’s Freya’s Day, hope endures. We haven’t reached our final destination, but let’s take a much needed mental breather, recognize what we’ve accomplished and ready our path for further accomplishments.

“Come on, Pentacles. Follow me to the back porch. You can run amuck there!” — the Blonde Wise Woman



The Craft and Crone

And now, here is our secret, a very simple secret... Discovering magic in the mundane combined with a Daily Dose of Dirt! Enchanted living for every day!