The Digital Rights Chronicles: eIDAS 2

A digital balancing act between freedom and surveillance

Crafted Codes
14 min readDec 13, 2023
MidJourney generated image — Dieser Artikel ist auch auf Deutsch erhältlich

This article was triggered by the video “Digital ID: eIDAS and the risk of surveillance” by The Morpheus.

In my last article “The Syntax Chronicles: Aaron Swartz”, I introduced you to the visionary of digital freedom. I’m sure he would be turning in his grave if he knew what the EU Commission had decided on his birthday, virtually unnoticed by the world: The eIDAS 2 Regulation. This decision has all digital rights activists in Europe wondering whether we are at the dawn of a new era of digital identity or on the brink of a surveillance state.

eIDAS 2 between innovation and concerns

The eIDAS 2 Regulation, short for “Electronic Identification and Trust Services”, is a forward-looking project of the European Union that at first glance appears to be a major revolution in the field of digital identity. It aims to create a centralised, digital identity for every EU citizen that is managed in a universal application, a kind of…

