christmas stories.

Meredith Massey
3 min readDec 18, 2015


i don’t know about you, but i grew up a complete bookworm. always had my nose in a book, maybe even 2 or 3 at once. there are many children’s stories above that i just couldn’t live without! especially those shel silverstein ones. the giving tree crushes my heart.

anyway, the love bug & i decided to go on a bookstore date & look for some good christmas stories! we found some of our old favorites, & some adorable new ones. we jumped into one of the jumbo chairs at Barnes&Noble with our huge stack of books, & started reading to each other.

as far as classics go, i think A Charlie Brown Christmas, and How the Grinch Stole Christmas are brilliant. perfect for curling up with a kiddo at bedtime & reliving the good-old christmas classic stories. they’re of course short films you can always watch on the television, but personally i want my future kids to grow up reading the stories on some good old pages first. then you’ve got The Polar Express, one of my personal favorites. i do love the film more, but only because i read The Polar Express as a kid, so seeing it come to life on screen was magical.

we picked up some christmas spins on some of my favorite children’s books, including A Christmas Wish for Corduroy (a Christmas spin on one of my favorite children’s books, Corduroy), & If You Take a Mouse To the Movies (a Christmas spin on the cute book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie). the love bug hadn’t heard of either one! as a kid, i loved If You Give a Pig a Pancake too. he’d also never known the story of the Nutcracker, which has always been one of my favorite Christmas tales. i make an effort to go see the play every year, & this year i hope to take the love bug since he’s never seen it before. this book by Susan Jeffers was beautifully illustrated, & told the tale quite well!

& last but not least, look at this adorable rendition of Home Alone! it didn’t really do the story justice if you’ve never seen the film, but as an artist i just really appreciated the illustration by Kim Smith! since i’ve seen the movie hundreds of times & obviously know the plot, it was okay that about 70 percent of it was left out. the illustrations were just gorgeously done, & so adorable. i seriously wish i could’ve bought them as prints & hung them up on my wall! how cute is kevin??

anywhoozles, a bookstore date is definitely something i’d recommend. we had so much fun reading christmas tales to one another, even with the kids & employees staring at us.

what christmas tales are your favorites? any children’s books i need to add to my list? let me know in the comments!

hope to see you tomorrow with one of my most yummiest posts yet!

hugs & happy holidays,


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Originally published at on December 18, 2015.

