What does friendship means to you?

Craft Emotions
4 min readJul 24, 2023


What is the definition of friendship? Everyone has different views and many ways to express it. But if someone asks me what friendship means to me? I will say a person who is a reader and me a close book. The one who sees through me seeing my every flaw and qualities.

When I was a small child, I had a dream of having a huge friend circle. With whom I can party all night whenever we want, go on hiking, trips and picnics, and live life to the fullest. But now after eighteen, I want a small circle of friends who genuinely consider me as their friend, the one who takes my side in front of others when I am not present there.

Instead of cursing me along with others. The one with whom I can share my every secret without worrying that someday in future maybe that person will use that secret against me. Who will listen to me and give me a piece of advice when I need it? The one who will scold me whenever I make a mistake or when I am going to make one. Friendship is one of the relations that we choose for ourselves. And this relationship also needs a strong foundation and pillar to support it so that it can go on throughout our life.

One of the foundations is trusting each other. It can be that someday a third person comes to you claiming that your friend has been saying shit behind your back. Instead of making your assumptions, talk about it openly with your friend instead of distancing yourself from them and breaking all interaction with them, use your brain and see whether the blame is correct or not. Investigate it as much as you can and observe the way your friends behave.

It can be the case that someone is trying to frame your friend to break your friendship. Always make sure that before taking any decisions you are clear with both sides of the story. Never trust anyone blindly but having some faith, and using your brain will save your precious friendship.

The second one is clarity. Not a single human is perfect, so there can be a few things which we will not like about our friend, talk about it and find a way to solve it or a way to adjust it rather than accusing each other. We need to make ourselves comfortable so that we can speak to each other. That is the most beautiful part of friendship. Because we know we can share anything being honest, without worrying about being judged.

And the last one is the adjustment, the most important and most sensitive part too. In this, both people need to give their hundred per cent and finally, you are okay.

We must remember that creating anything in this world requires effort and hard work, but we need a few seconds to destroy it. So, protect the things which we can and cherish them.

Friendship never fades on its own. We can at least spare a few minutes in this busy life. So that throughout our life we can enjoy it. In future, when you will share the stories of your friendship with your children. Especially when your best friend is present beside you with his family, saying all rubbish things with funny faces that how stupid you guys were making fun of yours, trust me it’s the best feeling ever you will experience.

After this many people will think, where on this earth will we find such a friend? The answer is simple. It’s not always compulsory that you will find them among people your age or a stranger only. Many people do find them among people their age, a stranger or in their better half. But you can also find them in your family like your father, mother and siblings.

I have even seen some people considering their pet as their best friend, which is pretty cute in my opinion. No matter who that person is if their company is giving you peace, a feeling that you can speak to them about any topic.

Then congratulations my friend you have found your best friend!!!!!!

So who is your best friend feel free to say in the comment. Because I have my mother, sister, my favourite novels and some comic books as my best friends.

Share your views, on what friendship means to you.



Craft Emotions

A soul currently immersed in the sea of fictional world cause real word is to harsh to accept. I craft small fictional stories and love writing my thoughts.