What does love stand for you?

Craft Emotions
3 min readJul 23, 2023


In Google we can find any terms scientific definition but can you tell me what exactly is love? I have asked these questions to many people around me. Because it seems that love is not in the air around me.

Throughout my life, I have always been a keen listener who loves listening to people's stories. Many people from roommates to classmates or even strangers have narrated their stories in front of me. And I kind of find it interesting how this feeling stands so differently for many peoples.

Not getting a satisfactory answer I tried finding my answers through novels, and series but the outcome I got was too unreal. The trueness and level of dedication and love which I felt is almost unreal in our real world.

I am not saying this because I am dramatic. It's just I live in a world where partners cheating on each other and falling out of love and getting divorced has become common event.

Even finding love for a lifetime and truth has become a rare incident. And the worst part is people call them boring questioning how can be with a single person throughout your life.

I want to tell them why not if you love a person then why not. The only craving for a body and getting the exact emotions you want is love.

I don’t think so, because for me love is a selfless feeling where one feels a strong sense of belongingness to a certain person. It's a beautiful way to add a member to your family except the one we are born with.

And I have seen people saying you can fall in love with many peoples at the same time. And I can’t find anything more ridiculous than this. Because the moment you fall for the second one you never loved the first one.

And in my defence, I would like to say. Before saying anything we must keep ourselves in the position of other people to feel their emotions. Like if my beloved came to me with another girl saying he fell in love with her and he loves me too. Then the only thing that will run through my mind will be his love was never real for me and it's better to leave him. Because I deserve someone better who truly loves me and me only.

Because in this world we have always been taught regarding sharing things as it increases our happiness. But sharing my partner is out of the question. That’d something which wants to be completely mine.

Because sharing in everything is not caring. It's just plain stupid. And I have this lifetime only I don't want to be stupid but live a life which I deserve with a partner who truly loves me.

Because once you fall in love it's impossible to fall in love with others. So before giving others any ridiculous advice or blame put yourself in the same situation and analyze how you would behave and feel before saying others are reacting too much and acting fools.



Craft Emotions

A soul currently immersed in the sea of fictional world cause real word is to harsh to accept. I craft small fictional stories and love writing my thoughts.