Craft cross-chain dev update

Craft Network
2 min readJan 26, 2024


Hello Crafters!

The Craft contributors have made significant progress on Phase 2 of our cross-chain updates during the past few months and we’d like to take the opportunity to share them with you.

As you probably know our update is split into 3 phases phase 1 is already 100% complete, this phase was about completing the codebase to deploy a native Craft on Cosmos chains with all the features you know. You can currently test on Pion-1 testnet. We’re currently working on phase 2 which is the cross-chain component to allow all of our Craft instances to communicate with each other to trade and transfer NFTs across chains.

We have recently onboarded an external contributor to assist us with the Cosmos side of this codebase and have made significant progress! We have achieved the structure for NFT cross-chain messaging, the minting/burning of NFTs and the creation of wrapped assets. These are the foundations of our cross-chain stack and it’s a significant milestone for Craft Network.

What’s next?

To have a complete implementation of Craft’s Phase 2, here is a list of the milestones to achieve:

  • Implementation of the cross-chain marketplace (trades) features in CosmWasm and Java
  • Structure for the CFT token transfers across chains
  • Rewards and incentives frameworks for CosmWasm
  • Testnet deployment on Berlin & Pion-1

The development is progressing, we’re looking forward to joining the Cosmos ecosystem through this update!

Thanks for your support, everyone 🤝

