“Redefining Handicraft Industry of India- CraftsNation”

How CraftsNation aims to redefine the handicrafts industry of India?

India is one of the important suppliers of handicrafts to the world market. Much to the amazement, it is still struggling to enter in popular culture within its boundaries.
Reason or Not- With the dominance of foreign brands, people in India, consider traditional art as ‘Niche’.

Just going by the facts- India Exports accounted to 3.3 billion US $ in 2012–13 and rose to 3.8 billion US $.

Are you still thinking if there’s a potential?

With the rise of Ecommerce Industry in India, CraftsNation sees possibilities to bring the hand-crafted products- The Ecommerce- Way

What is our vision?
Craftsnation believes in the concept- Pro-Customer- Pro-Artisan

Pro-Customer- Unlike the old days when buying a handicraft item required you to traverse in Indian markets fighting chaos and hot climate, CraftsNation aspires to deliver these items at a single click, before your coffee brews.
As per the customer satisfaction, we believe at delivering these products at much lower rate than what exists in the market.

“Although when questioned on how we drive our business model, we say, customer satisfaction fuels it. “ CraftsNation

Why did we see the apple falling?
For most of those who think that we are the only ones who saw the potential- The answer is ‘NO’

There are websites selling handicraft products yet they haven’t improved the strata of how Handicraft Industry stands today.

This is the focal point of our value proposition-

We aim at improving the lifestyle of artisans which at most places found deteriorating. As far as one can imagine, they have been in this ecosystem for generations.

CraftsNation aims in bringing a platform to those artisans whose skilled artistry is exported outside India, giving them a mere portion of its true value.

We have an exclusive product line satisfying all age groups and gender.

Just take a visit today at www.craftsnation.in

“We believe, we can turn handicraft industry from ‘Niche’ to ‘Mainstream.’”

