Tesla’s Big Push In Solar Energy Sales

Craig Bouchard
4 min readAug 5, 2020


Since its inception, Tesla has steadily remained in the news as an innovator in the clean energy space. Transparent and vocal about the company’s big solar plans, Tesla has outlined intentions for solar energy product sales. Of course, ground-breaking plans also come with setbacks. Undoubtedly, Tesla has experienced various setbacks. However, the company has remained transparent and dedicated to forwarding its mission. Now, as Tesla enjoys a $300 billion market capitalization, followers of the company explore Tesla’s ongoing moves in solar energy.

Photo by Afif Kusuma on Unsplash

Tesla’s “Master Plan” outlined the company’s mission to propel solar energy, and has been updated by Musk and company over time. Part two of the manifesto was released roughly four years ago. It covered the creation of solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery storage. Essentially, it prospected the idea of solar panel consumers becoming their own utility suppliers.

It discussed the expansion of Tesla’s electric vehicle product line to include high and low volume vehicles. Potentially collaborating with Ecolution kWh, this expansion could evolve the trucking industry. Ecolution kWh’s clean energy conducting trailers could further Tesla’s mission for sustainable trucking. This technology would create a floating electrical power grid, increasing travel capacity for Tesla’s fleet.

The Tesla Semi Electric truck can travel up to 500 miles prior to charging, holding 1000 kWh at capacity. At this distance, the Ecolution kWh trailer conducts 500 kWh of clean energy. This sustainable energy can be used by Tesla’s truck to add 150 miles to its route. This extends Tesla’s travel range by 30%. Future partnerships between the sustainability innovators promise to change for the commercial trucking industry.

As outlined by the first iteration of the Master Plan, Tesla propelled solar energy integration for consumers. After acquiring SolarCity, Tesla provided customers with solar roof products. Armed with batteries that allowed solar panel customers to store their own energy, this allowed customers to act as their own utility. Though this project was initially rolled out years ago, Tesla has recently revamped the way they intend to sell solar energy.

Currently, Tesla’s solar incentive is featured on the company’s homepage. On the company’s homepage, Tesla has simplified its solar offerings. The process is now simple, sleek, transparent, and takes less than five minutes to complete. In addition to ease of use, Tesla highlights its commitment to providing the world’s best price for solar products. Finally, for customers hesitant to take the plunge into solar power, Tesla now offers a money-back guarantee on solar products.

Photo by Science in HD on Unsplash

In addition to front-end website changes, and increased transparency, Tesla has also implemented pricing changes. The simplified pricing now features the same cost per watt for all products, regardless of size. This encourages residential customers with smaller needs to partake in the giant’s solar initiatives.

Solar is now also highlighted in the referral links from other customers. Tesla has beefed up their referral awards to include hefty rewards for solar customers. This encourages satisfied Tesla customers to spread the news about their solar products, and build a network of interested parties.

Traditional solar energy companies devote extensive resources to marketing and sales. This translates to an increased price per watt in solar energy needed to cover the cost of door-to-door salespeople and marketing efforts. Understanding the redundancy of this traditional methodology, Tesla does not subscribe to this model. Without the need for costly door-to-door solicitation, Tesla can increase margins. By reducing setup and ordering costs, Tesla can eliminate traditional overhead, and offer smaller solar setups for the same price per watt as larger ones.

By leveraging Tesla’s already-existing brand, following, and already satisfied customers, Tesla can effectively market solar products. This already-existing infrastructure and brand recognition go a long way to mitigate traditional marketing costs. Using the power of technology, Tesla’s easy-to-navigate website makes it easy for customers to then order solar products independently for a much lower fee.

From there, Tesla’s processes will be increasingly similar to those of traditional solar providers. Physical installation and quality support will rely on an expertly created infrastructure that can handle growth. Tesla has been committed to growing the company’s infrastructure within the automotive sector. Thus, the company will undoubtedly implement similar standards to successfully build out solar energy infrastructure.

This latest push in promoting Tesla’s solar products is indicative of the company’s dedication to manifesting the Master Plan. The lofty goal of making solar energy affordable, streamlined, and readily available to the masses is part of Tesla’s vision. Though there may be bumps along the way, Tesla’s resources render the company the best fit for a vision of this magnitude. Through thoughtful streamlining, and concise messaging, Tesla is now highlighting a focus on solar energy. Interest in sustainable and clean energy continues to grow. Tesla intends to ride the proverbial lightning to success with innovative solar products.



Craig Bouchard

NY Times Bestseller | Serial Entrepreneur | Great Father | Pretty good Husband