Howler Brothers

Dirt Road Travels: Austin Company to Know

Dirt Road Travels
1 min readMar 13, 2017

“In 2000, I was on a surf trip in Costa Rica that nearly did me in. It was a bit dicey, with a broken leash and some very heavy surf. It was a gringo nightmare, and definitely made me appreciate the power of the Pacific. But we survived, and kept coming back for more. Those surf trips were the inspiration to start Howler Brothers. All those adventures and memories of good times with good friends. Today, our brand stands for that sense of community and shared experience. I just think that you can’t be afraid to dive in and get started — in surf, music, design or business. You’ll learn more about things by tackling the challenges that come from committing to something and just going for it than you will from anything else.” — Chase Heard, Founder

Chase’s Austin Must: “You have to fuel up with some breakfast tacos at Taco Deli. Then, get on the water, like paddle boarding Lady Bird Lake, tubing the Guadalupe River or swimming in Barton Springs. Then cool off by heading to Hotel San Jose for a Michelada and afterwards, take in some honky tonk and drink some Lone Stars at the White Horse.”

