Holiday giving ideas from a charity co-founder

Annual giving can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Craig Kielburger
3 min readDec 26, 2019
This season is the perfect time to think about what matters to you, and the impact you want to make on the lives of others. | Image source

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — but no, I’m not talking about the holidays. It’s giving season! Many of us make annual donations at the year’s end, a time to reflect on how to make a difference with your charitable dollars.

After decades spent working in the charitable world, I know that for most families, annual giving can be overwhelming. You have a limited amount that you’re able to give, and of course, you want to make the biggest impact. As a family, you have different interests and passions, and with countless worthy causes out there, it isn’t easy to pick just one. Here are some tips to make your holiday giving count this year.

Make giving a family affair

For families, giving should be more than just a financial decision — think of selecting a cause as choosing a shared mission. Brew up a little hot cocoa and gather the family around to make the decision together. What causes or news stories have the kids been learning about in school? Where do their interests lie? Then, do some research. Maye you want to volunteer at a local soup kitchen or donate gently used winter clothing to a shelter. Either way, make it a family activity. Not only can it be a great bonding experience, but I strongly believe that doing good together helps children grow into more compassionate adults.

Pick a cause that speaks to you

Annual giving is the perfect opportunity to marry doing good with another passion in your life. Do you have an athletic family? Look for a charity that empowers low-income kids to participate in sports leagues. Are you animal lovers? Consider supporting a local animal shelter, or a program that protects endangered wildlife. Do you lean toward more entrepreneurial pursuits? Consider getting involved in a micro-financing initiative, investing in small business ventures that help people lift themselves out of poverty.

Get some help

Once you pick a cause, of course you want to pick an organization that is as effective as possible, ensuring that your donation goes the furthest it can. Rather than Googling aimlessly for charities that are making the most impact, get some help from third-party sites that break down how each organization spends their donations. Charity analysis websites like GiveWell and Charity Navigator do the work for you, calculating metrics that allow you to compare the outcomes of various charities side-by-side. (In the interest of full disclosure, I should mention that Charity Navigator gave our organization an A+, so I may be biased.)

Stay involved

Don’t think of your giving as a one-time decision. Instead, consider it the beginning of a year-long journey. When you receive updates from the charity you support, put them up on the fridge with your photos and report cards as a reminder of the impact you’ve made together as a family, and as a motivation to keep going. If you’re supporting a local cause, look into opportunities to volunteer your time to the charity a few times throughout the year. And if you support an international program, try keeping up to date on the news in that country and relevant issues in the communities you support.

This season is the perfect time to think about what matters to you, and the impact you want to make on the lives of others. As cheesy as it may sound, I truly believe in the power of the holiday spirit to make a difference in the world. It’s not exactly flying reindeer, but I think can be just as magical.



Craig Kielburger

New York Times bestselling author, syndicated columnist and co-founder of WE Charity and ME to WE Social Enterprise | @WEmovement | |