Agnostic designer, Dogmatic designer

Being balanced is hard work

Craig Phillips
3 min readMar 6, 2018
“for designers shall inherit the earth”

Design is tricky.

It’s a creative field. But it’s a creativity that’s constrained by the need to make products that are good enough to fund the company underneath.

We need to make things people want to use and buy.

Figuring out how we deal with ideas is an important piece in the puzzle. Particularly ideas that differ from our own. Things that go against our gut. Or things we feel are inching towards unethical design practices.

This is as relevant in design as it is in life. After all, intolerance to differing ideas is a big part of what makes our history and present day violent and dark.

So when should we be rigid, and when flexible? Or, in other words, what should we be dogmatic about. And what should we be agnostic to?

As cool and friendly as these open minded green waves

Agnostic Designer

