A story of apples


It is said that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Well, Ira Kleiman and David Kleiman are not related genetically.

David was my friend, yet I knew nothing at all of Ira. In fact, it was David’s father who added Ira to the email threads after Dave’s death. You see, one week before David died, I had added Dave to the share registry over company I had in Australia. Not because David invested anything, because I wanted to have him involved. I had actually tried to involve David in a lot of my work. That was the purpose of why W and K info defence came about. It wasn’t about bitcoin though.

Ira’s backed himself into an interesting corner. This will come out in the trial this year. He is one of the greediest people I have ever met.

I started having problems with some of my companies in Australia around the time I came into contact with Ira. You see, I tried to give the promised shares in a company in Australia to Ira. I could easily have neglected this duty and I could have even argued that David had no rights being that the shareholders agreement had requirements, but he was my friend. Consequently, I made sure I spent time in finding Dave’s relatives. When I did, I sought to transfer the shares in the company that I’d set up and that I had given, gifted shares to Dave.

One of the reasons Ira ended up attacking all that I was trying to build was he thought I would stand back as a company I created was attacked by him and former staff members who sought to force it into liquidation so that they could steal my work. Ira is not terribly smart so we can possibly understand that he might even think that that would succeed.

What he will find is how creating false documents in an attempt to force a company into liquidation, to avoid taxes and to generally seek to deceive people won’t work.

Ira wanted to have money and not shares. You see, it was a private company and I was not interested in selling publicly in any time back then. Ira also didn’t want to pay tax. I guess he forgets to tell people how he tried to avoid tax on the estate by trying to force me to hide his ownership and shares.

Ira worked with a number of people who had been former staff members of mine. Some of these people had a potential deal to sell my intellectual property. He did about everything underhanded in what is now vain attempt to get access to money and to get it fast. He helped give false information to the Australian tax office and he lied in order to try and ensure that the companies would be liquidated thinking that he would get money from the process.

In order to clean things up, Ira was offered money for his shares. Many millions of dollars. But Ira was greedy and wanted more. You see, Ira is one of these people who will never be satisfied. He will always want more. Unlike his adopted brother, Ira just cares about Ira. He wants money so that he can just lay on the beach and vegetate and I guess that’s probably the best he could really do.

Unfortunately for him is going to start to find out that his lies to court are going to be caught out. W and K is not Ira’s and is not more than 33% owned by Ira’s estate in any view of the world. Unfortunately for Ira, his little scam of getting rich quick is soon to come to an end. Those funding him will never see a cent from the strategy he wants and they will learn the truth the hard way. In the coming year, people will find just what sort of lowlife Ira really is. They will start to see how he worked to collapse companies just to get a share of money earlier because he was too stupid to realise that that strategy wouldn’t work anyway.

This is 2020 and this year the truth starts to come out. It is not only Ira, I’m sure he’s just a useful fool to other people who have played him, but he is an idiot and a lowlife who will lie, cheat and destroy anything just so that he can gain a little bit.

Welcome to 2020.

It is time to learn just how rotten both Ira and Core are.



Craig Wright (Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin.)

My opinions are my own. Eternal student & researcher; plugging Bitcoin from as long as it was lawyer, banker, economist, coder, investor, mathematician, & stats