Q&A/Written Interview — The answers — Part 1


I have been asked to do an AMA and will answer the questions posed to me.

In total, I have been given a list of 60 questions. I will answer these over a few posts starting from the top and working down. My apologies for splitting this into several parts, but not to do so will leave me with less time than I have now. Today, our middle son went off to university leaving us just our daughter at home. This is itself a common occurrence. Parents go through this every day, and it is my second time. That said it reminds me how little time we have.


1. What is your favourite colour?


In Chinese culture red is the colour of wealth and fortune, but on top of that it is the colour of Mars. Mostly red is the colour of blood. Blood represents family, and it represents hard work with the term blood, sweat and tears defined deep within our culture. For me, red represents striving and never giving up.

2. Who are your top 3 favourite authors and top 3 books?

Fyodor Dostoevsky

The Brothers Karamazov
Братья Карамазовы,
Brat’ya Karamazovy

Frank Herbert

Dune Series

Ayn Rand


3. If there was just one book you could give to the world to read, what would it be?

Liberalism: The Classical Tradition

by Ludwig von Mises,

There is a lot that I could say about this book. Mises was a scholar in the classical tradition. But mostly he was a realist who held onto ideals.

4. What are your top 3 favourite Movies and TV Shows?

My favorite movie is Casablanca.

My favourite TV show was Firefly.

I enjoy the Walking Dead, and I grew up with Blake’s 7 and the Twilight Zone.

Everything else is filled in by Monty Python.

5. What is your favourite country visited?

The USA. I love New York. The energy that was there and could be again.

6. Who did you look up to, in terms of role models in the past and present?

The biggest role model in my life was always my grandfather, Ron Lynam and then closely followed by my mother.

Outside of my family it is a split between 秦始皇 [Qin Shihuangdi] in China and 宮本 武蔵 [Miyamoto Musashi] in Japan.

7. What are your 3 biggest regrets and mistakes?

I have only one true regret and mistake.

I regret that I spent any time thinking about things to regret. The simple truth is we all make mistakes. What matters is what we learn from them. I managed to have successful and unsuccessful companies in my past, and one of the worst things I’ve seen with modern society is that it is moved to whitewash one’s failings. All of us succeed only after countless failures. It is those failures that make or break a man, that build strength, and that allow us to develop character.

8. Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years and 10 years and what would you have liked to achieve?

Working, studying, and learning. In five years time, I shall have completed my two current doctorates, and have planned to start another doctorate, a DBA (a doctor of Business Admin).

I will have completed my 1,000th paper around the end of this year. The rate at which I’m advancing now means that I will have completed, if all goes well, my 3,000th working paper in five years, and at 10 years I hope to have completed my 5,000th.

At the 10 year mark I shall have finished my fifth doctorate and will be working on my sixth.

By the end of the 10 year mark, I would like to imagine myself to be proficient in the Han language.

At this point, I expect to have completed, filed, and have been granted around 2,500 patents. This is not individual patents awarded in multiple jurisdictions, but separate novel inventions. Thomas Edison managed to file over 1000 patents. I am blessed to live in an age where digital media and telecommunications allow me to exceed his level of productivity.

9. You have a wealth of experience both practical and academic knowledge through multiple disciplines. Sometimes people who have a single area of expertise develop tunnel vision, and only think that X is the right way forward, and fail to see the bigger picture or at a different angle. In terms of your varied academic knowledge, when have you and how do you deal with when 2 or more of your knowledge sets argue or have different views on a specific topic/problem? e.g your Law knowledge brain shows X angle, economic knowledge shows Y angle and IT knowledge shows a opposing view at Z angle.

A good question, but one area that you have missed is history. More importantly, I would say you need to learn to think across boundaries. Not the first or second sight, but to reflect as if it was a chess game on the move that follows the move that follows the move.

The reason that I noted history is that many things have come before. I’ve read reconstructed scrolls from the early Republican periods of Rome. I’ve compared those to ones found at the time of Hadrian. It is not only the great that make history, but all people within society, and it is amazingly remarkable on how similar we remain. Many jokes from 2000 years ago could play well now, and many plays can be easily converted into a modern sitcom. As a species we have developed remarkable technologies and knowledge but remain the same species and interact in the same way.

10. I know you enjoy studying and wish to continue this, which academic disciplines are you thinking of or planning to take going forward?

At present, I’m enrolled at two different universities. I’m completing a doctorate in applied mathematics and another securities law.

Following this, I will do a DBA.

One day, if I get the time, I would like to continue my studies in physics.

11. Are there any specialists in the field that you respect and from whom you can still learn things? As well as us to follow.

I wish I could say otherwise, but unfortunately no. There are many people outside of the discipline. However, there is an absence of talent within crypto currency, and especially an absence along the lines of people who have a realistic vision of economics and business.

I learn, but more from those outside the field. Calvin Ayre acts as my business mentor, and I have learnt a lot from him.

12. How many hours do you sleep on average per day?

I have become lazy in my old age. I used to sleep between four and five hours a night, but these days I enjoy the occasional sleep in where I lie awake in bed next to my wife and read, and have allowed myself the luxury of six hours sleep every night.

At the moment, I am reading the few remaining works that are available of Titus Livius Patavinus.

13. How do you manage your time to do research, run companies, write 1000s of papers and take new doctorates, while constantly tweeting?

Honestly, tweeting is rather mindless.

Far too many people put too much stock into what is broadcast over social media. I use the time to flit in randomly as a means of having a break and clearing my mind from some of the things that I am working on. As crazy as it may seem to some, moving from mathematical theory and law into something as pithy as Twitter can be refreshing.

14. How would you describe your own personality, how do you think your family & friends would, and how do you think other people do, who have never met you in real life?

I am naturally introverted and need time away from people. I’m analytical and plan things years in advance. I am not the same person to my family as I am to the world and nor should I be.

It is always good to be both an enigma and a paradox.

15. Do you sometimes try and be controversial on purpose?

At times, yes.

16. Do you think people misunderstand you or misunderstand Bitcoin?

This is a very simple question to answer; yes.

To be less obtrusive, very few people understand at all, and the worst people to come to to understand anything about it are so-called experts.

A better question is, why would I actually want anyone to understand me.. To be so transparent, to be understood, that is a level of intimacy that I will read range from giving to all but a few.


17. We are now starting to see how Bitcoin CAN and DOES scale on-chain, from the recent stress tests, could you share your views on, why do you think or what was the main reason and agenda behind blockstream’s strangle and takeover of BTC?

It’s very simple, there is a falsely held belief in socialism. It is parasitic, and it is embedded deep within the human psyche. It is based on a false mentality that we should not be more than those around us, and it is driven by those who want to keep that which they have and those who seek power and control.

Bitcoin scales on-chain, but no system scales in the way that some people desire. This is a system of eternal equality, a system where others can say that they are doing all they need and no more. The socialist mentality has pervaded all parts of society and has taken the heroic aspects of life and made them a negative.

Very few people are willing to go against the will of the crowd, and for this reason this type of mentality becomes pervasive.

Tomorrow, I shall continue on the list that I have been given below starting at number 18. For now, it is late and I would like to spend a little bit of time with my wife before I go to sleep. At this, I say good night for now.


18. As there is a big misunderstanding on patents and licences, could you share your thoughts on the following:

· Can you please clarify, confirm and provide a quick overview, on what will not/cannot be patented and what actually has or going to been patented

· For the BCH Patent/license” (e.g. for free us of patents, the CoinGeek token contest, etc.) in case of, if there was a chain split? Which side of a fork is still allowed to use that technology?

Can you confirm and clarify, how nChain intends to use its patents/licences:

· Option 1 — Start charging ridiculous absurd fees and target individuals and restricting almost all access (like Martin Shkreli, as a Patent troll)

· Option 2 — Normal Business practice and offer paid licences to all and/or inreturn for royalties for Bitcoin Cash

Here is a list of the “Global 2018 companies list blockchain patents” — As we can see and notice, how IBM and Bank of America are there and leading ahead. (Please see references below for more details)



Craig Wright (Bitcoin SV is Bitcoin.)

My opinions are my own. Eternal student & researcher; plugging Bitcoin from as long as it was lawyer, banker, economist, coder, investor, mathematician, & stats