Elasticsearch Bulk Api for data migration

Travel Planner VIP
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2018


At work, I recently worked on a project to move from a self hosted elasticsearch cluster in Azure, to a managed elasticsearch cluster in AWS. The cluster contained analytics tracking information from the website, and we held approximately 3 million documents per day. Some extra challenges that I faced were that I was going from 5.2 of elasticsearch to 6.2, and the mapping that I used had some deprecated types, so the data migration would be somewhat challenging.

The bigger picture

Without giving too much away, we scraped the logs from the webserver behind the load balancer for the whole site, alongside sending custom events from the client. For this we used filebeat, and logstash to interpret the log entry, and build up the final document to elasticsearch. The documents are quite large (usually containing at least 50 individual properties), and we had about a years worth of data. We were not able to reindex the data from source, as we only maintained the logs for 30 days, so the idea was to migrate the data from the old instance to the new instance using the bulk api.

Migration only involved the instance of elasticsearch, filebeat and logstash were to be upgraded, but were going to be maintained, in place.

Migration to AWS using terraform

