How to handle rejection from a girl

3 min readJul 27, 2021


The best way to handle a girls rejection is to tell her shes beautiful and gorgeous every chance you get. A girl will only feel beautiful when men treat her that way, so be the one. If she starts to doubt herself, tell her how beautiful she is and how gorgeous every chance you get. Never make fun of her weight In fact, it can be an opportunity - an opportunity to show that you really care about her and honor what she's saying. Rejection hurts.

Take the rejection as a challenge the next time she rejects you. Jump on it. Rebound Strong. Rise above it . After all, some girls are just after your money . Many guys have done it and many more will in the future.

The best way to handle a girl rejection is by not even dealing with the rejection in the first place. Having options opens many doors for a man. As long as you keep moving forward, things will eventually turn out right – or wrong for that matter. Just stay strong, keep moving forward… and always remember: Don’t Ever Give Up!!

Reveal your feelings for her slowly, so she can feel your love without fear that you may be leaving.

Here are some examples of how you might show her in these situations:A guy at school has a huge crush on his female teacher. She's not interested but treats him nicely. He finally mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date one day, but then he got rejected extremely harshly. No explanation or apology was given; she just simply said no. Now he's heartbroken and doesn't know what to do...

There are many reasons a girl might reject you, and the best way to handle it is with humor. When she starts laughing and smiling at you, it means she felt your touch and is now reciprocating. She might not say anything, but her body language speaks volumes. Let this be a lesson learned: If a girl laughs at your advances, it's probably because she likes what she sees!''"

Avoid the urge to do something rash in response to a girl's rejection. Instead, let her know how disappointed you are and then walk away. There are several reasons why she may not have agreed with your style choice for her date.
First, she may have decided beforehand that she would rather not go on a particular date with you.
Second, she may have had better chemistry with someone else – either because of common interests or even a first impression based on mutual rapport alone.

As for the last girl, don’t keep her in your heart. Something may have piqued her interest, but she lost sight of that – or someone else swept her off her feet. The best way to approach this situation is by not even dealing with the rejection in the first place. After all, Girls Rejection Guys All The Time!

Don’t let her rejection mess up your head. Don’t stop thinking about her or wanting her. Just go out and date a new girl. It’ll make you seem more attractive, too – girls like a guy who is desired by others.
No matter what comes your way, you should always be proud of what you’ve done. Never lose sight of your goals – never let life get you down. Just keep moving forward.
Being rejected is hard but it’s part of life. Don’t take it to heart.

Each time you get rejected, you learn about yourself and you just grow a little stronger each time.

Thanks for reading.

