The unexpected joy of types

Craig Bilner
2 min readApr 26, 2020


Photo by Austin Kirk on Unsplash

I’m currently playing around in Elm at the moment but this goes for any language with types.

In Elm you have a Maybe type that is a union of Just (it has a value) and Nothing (the value is missing). In this case I wanted to perform an action with SomeRecord only if everything I needed in my model existed.

I typically use old fashioned metasyntactic naming when I’m sketching out what I’d like to do but I’m not entirely sure where I’m going. What I wanted to do was take my initial record and partially apply it sequentially with properties in my model that were a Maybe type, so I started with this.

Initial thought

So I’d take my record and the property of the model I was interested in and then repeat the process to accumulate my result. If it had every property I was after I would end up with a complete SomeRecord, otherwise I would end up with Nothing.

I then wrote the signature of foo with a dummy return like so, and everything type checked.

Initial signature

There was a problem with how I wrote it though, I couldn’t pipe the result of one application to the other so I re-arranged it slightly.

Allow for piping

Now b takes a and c takes b.

Which needed a small swapping of parameters in the signature.

Final missing signature

I could now write something far more elegant with pipes, which also met my criteria due to the descriptive nature of our type signature.


And the whole reason I quickly wrote this post…I could now search the Elm packages for my foo signature and found that Maybe.Extra already had what I needed, andMap.

Final composition

The takeaway here, I don’t know every function in every package in the Elm ecosystem but I didn’t need to, I just let the types lead me there.

