Craig Guerrero
3 min readFeb 27, 2015

How Would You Like Your Coffee?

It is very important to know how one prefers his or her coffee. Black? With cream? With milk? With sugar? All of them? Does not even like coffee? No, we cannot believe that, who doesn’t like coffee any more?

And it’s another thing to ask how one prefers his or her coffee done… Filtered? Espresso? Does the brand matter? Some might argue that all coffee tastes the same, but if you have a trained palette, you simply know that that’s not true. Or if you have ever tasted Kopi Luwak coffee, you know there is no going back.

You might have been offered Kopi Luwak coffee at a luxurious meeting, or a cocktail party. Maybe you were having coffee with your boss and he ordered some for you, too. No matter where you tasted it first, we just know that it’s been in your mind ever since. It’s the best coffee you have ever tasted. If you have been thinking about it since you had it, if you cannot enjoy any other cup of coffee any more, if you have been telling your friends and family about it and want to make them taste that same delight that you have, check out** ** right now.

Everyone has a different relationship with coffee, but they all include some sort of ritual. Some people prefer it in the morning, before any sort of breakfast. They will open their eyes and get out of the bed, but are not really awake until they have their first cup of coffee. For them, it is the sunlight. The alarm clock. The birds chirping. Whatever morning means to an average ordinary person. Unless they have had their coffee, it would not matter if a bird flew in the window with the sunlight and landed on the alarm clock — it still does not indicate the beginning of a day.

For others, it’s a companion. They get sick of something or they have had enough of something else. They go out and grab a cup of coffee. They might enjoy it with a smoke, they might sip it while taking a walk, or they might sit down and read a book with their coffee. They will calm down, get a grip, come back to their senses. They will see the world right again. It will all make sense again. Unless they do this, things might take a very, very bad turn.

Or for some others, it might mean friendship. They will meet over a cup of coffee and chat for hours. Who did what, where they went, what they are planning to do with their lives… It is not just a cup of coffee but their friendship taking a liquid form. They will remember that friendship each time they drink coffee.

Whichever type you are, get a good quality coffee and you will see the difference it will make in your life. You will enjoy your life and your each and every sip ever more. Just get into this site, get a lots of good info on your topics.