Another solid suggestion toward news we can trust

1 min readFeb 9, 2015

Okay, Jeff Jarvis is pushing ahead, along with the folks in the Trust Project, toward measures that can help news consumers find news we can trust.

Getting to the point:

Start here: What if news organizations labeled their original reporting and what if Google had a service that pointed only to that original reporting?

The benefit to journalism is clear: More audience for original reporting would bring more advertising and economic support to that reporting. Taking away the economic incentive to rewrite the rewrites of rewrites of somebody else’s news — … — would dramatically reduce the wasteful inefficiency of the news industry and allow for a better path to profitability and the reallocation of journalistic assets to real journalism: that is, original reporting. Original reporting would pay.

I sure don’t need to read a re-hash of what the original reporter got one, that’s the journalist who did the research and fact checking.

