Importance of Law in our Society

Assignment Consultancy
2 min readApr 27, 2018


The law is a set of proper guidelines and orders accepted by the society as a norm of conduct for citizens. It is the pivot of the society and the citizens follow according to it. Without the existence of a law, there would be the situation of chaos and conflicts among communities and social groups. Law is man-made and is very important as it introduces justice to the society. There must be ground rules and principles set for modulation of society and its proper conduction. Law has helped society and its citizens in each and every aspect of life. The following section will throw light on some of its roles.

The direct and indirect aspects of the role of law in our society have been explained in the following section of Law Essay Writing Service. Some of them are given below: –

  • Due to laws, there have been changes brought to our society like- abolition of practices like Sati, child marriage, dowry, etc.
  • Law can provide justice to the victims and punish those who are responsible for unlawful actions.
  • In courts, a law is used to settle conflicts among the people.
  • The main function of law is to ensure all-round development of people by providing security, peace, and protection.
  • Without law, people were free to do anything they wish. But, a law has imposed certain limitations and restrictions that have to be followed by each and every citizen. Failing or violation of which would be a punishable offense.
  • An example of the role of law in our lives is Health Insurance. Nowadays people are able to secure their lives just because of law.
  • It is the law that is responsible for the behavior of people among each other. Without it, there would be actions like stealing, damaging one’s property, hurting one’s sentiments, etc.


