Thirty Day Challenge —Challenge Accepted

Craig Thomson
2 min readNov 11, 2018


I’m 26 years old and I have decided to give up alcohol for thirty days.

Like most students and young adults, I like to drink alcohol, especially when socialising. In fact, I am an extreme extrovert (a personality trait which I have learned to control over the years) so it is hard for me to choose not to socialise at any given moment. Of course, socialising is not an excuse for drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, but the environment can create the opportunity for it. Therefore, for me, if I do not set a limit of alcohol consumption for the night, my body will switch to autopilot and I will drink to excess.

This is called habitual behaviour, and it can have the potential to affect your life in many ways, from what you choose to eat and drink; who you decide to socialise with; what you prefer to spend your money on; the places where you socialise, and when you sleep and wake. This habitual behaviour is automatic, you repeat it subconsciously because it’s easy, comfortable and ironically rewarding. Habitual behaviour is normal and helps forms character. Habits which are negative will attract negative characteristics, but habits that are positive will attract positive characteristic traits.

So why did I accept the thirty-day challenge? was it because of failure in my studies and work? failure of friendships and relationships? failure in health? No, the reason why I accepted the thirty-day challenge is to reaccess my priorities and life goals.

Are you inspired? If so, why don’t you try it too?

