CBD vs Pharmaceuticals for mental health

Jean Knoe
4 min readJun 1, 2020

The benefits of CBD are immense. We live in a day and age where we are constantly bombarded by false information about anything imaginable. One of the largest contributors to spinning their truth into our consciousness are the pharmaceutical companies. Every year they spend billions of dollars to air commercials that normalize the use of their products. If you ever watched TV in your lifetime you have received the subconscious programming of these corporations. Unfortunately the trillions of dollars of annual profit made from these corporations always have a much higher cost to the overall wellness of our species. Hair loss, death, nausea, cancer ask your doctor about some other ridiculous chemical quick fix for any of our millions of possible ailments. Looking back it makes perfect sense of why these companies have such long lists of terrible side effects for even the most remedial health ailments. By always ranting off what seems to be an eternity of terrible side effects, when the doctors warn us of potential risks we are so desensitized we don’t think anything of them. I suffer from depression or what I perceived to be. A few years back what I thought my own logic led me to go and see a doctor and try an SSRI anti depressant medication. Looking back my inner being knew not to take that path. Unfortunately the thought of using an SSRI just seemed to outweigh any other thoughts my consciousness had. I watch TV a few hours a day and after hearing thousands of advertisements for anti-depression medication my mind had been made. I tried a few pharmaceutical anti-depressants and the result was morbid. I suffered from a complete out of body reality. I also suffered from brain zaps, insomnia, and a terrible mental health state. After that experience with pharmaceuticals, I decided to double down on natural products. At that point in my life I decided to research as much as I could about CBD, which had helped my sense of well-being in the past. I bought a book, CBD: A Patient’s Guide to Medicinal Cannabis ~ Healing Without the High by Leonard Leinow. Lenord had started a dispensary in northern california in 2009. He had a few thousand patients with all kinds of different ailments. He bred and provided high CBD in flower, extracts, topicals, and indigestible. Unlike most dispensaries in Northern California were based on profit and turning sales. Leanord on the other hand used a different model, as to have a meeting with each patient when they joined the dispensary and curate a plan. Leinhow kept records of all of his patients various health problems and what dosages were the most beneficial. I was always a believer in CBD as being beneficial for my mood and anxiety but I never knew anything about the endocannabinoid system. The system essentially acts as a computer that sends antibodies and help when parts of our bodies are out of balance. Given that so much of America is in terrible health due to GMO, high fructose corn syrup, heavy metals in shampoos and deodorant, fluoride in our drinking water it seems like a good time to find natural alternatives. Our bodies are being poisoned by the most consumed of the foods and products that are sold at our friends at corporately owned box stores. The more I read about the endocannabinoid system the more I realized how important this system is to our over stressed bodies. I searched high and low for an affordable quality full spectrum CBD and it was very difficult to find. I was taking dosages of close to 1000mgs per day. I found a group who had a proprietary strain of high CBD that had a wide range of CBG, CBN and other lesser studied phytocannabinoids and decided to give the oil of this strain a try. I had never found relief like this from any other form of CBD I had tried in the past. I used CBD for sleep in the past but never had any real results like this. I am beyond grateful that the universe allowed me to find a solution to my mental health without the negative side effects. Sure, I still suffer from anxiety but ultimately with a 200mg dose of CBD daily I have found a much more balanced sense of well being. I recently visited my psychiatrist whom is a very well respected doctor in his field. While I respect my doctor fully, his answers to my mental health problems consist of pharmacological concoctions that left me in a hellish existence in the past. There are millions of these articles online due to the advertising restrictions on CBD thanks to our friendly FDA, aka a spokesman for the pharmaceutical companies. The FDA is able to rush through hydroxychloroquine and many other high risk drugs, but the latest statements from them is that it will be years before they can allow any kind of health claims for CBD. That is a whole other story in an of itself. Had I trusted my own intuition from the beginning I never would have needed to feel the pain and agony that the anti-depressant medication caused. I wrote this article because I truly hope that anyone suffering from depression and anxiety try these CBD softgels and find the new sense of well being that I have found. To anyone suffering from depression and anxiety, know that you are not alone and the only thing in life that is promised is change. Since publishing this I have found a new CBD product that has helped my mental health immensely. The product is a CBD cartridge 1000mg that is a new form of extraction containing CBD as well as 15%-25% CBC, CBN, and CBG. I find it most effective because it has real hemp derived terpenenes that have a calming effect. I hope everyone is staying positive and healthy during these trying times.

