The Dos and Don’ts of SAP Digital Transformation

Crave InfoTech
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Regardless of the industry your business may operate in, SAP digital transformation is of the upmost importance. Not only does it give you a competitive edge over your rivals but digital transformation simplifies many processes for your organization, and makes it easier for you to cater to the needs of your clients.

That being said, successfully orchestrating a complete SAP overhaul is another matter altogether. Many companies have struggled with the process in the past, the most prominent of which is the example of Avon Products. Inc. The company recently scraped a $125 million SAP overhaul plan which had been in the pipeline for more than four years!

This further goes to show that the line between success and failure is ridiculously thin as far as SAP digital transformation is concerned. If your organization is planning an overhaul in the future, follow this simple guide to guarantee your success.

DON’T — Forget to Monitor Performance:

By far the worst thing your organization can do is to forget reviewing performance reports on SAP. Reports generated by the software are incredibly detailed, and can be used to highlight troubling trends before they disrupt your business.

Adopting a proactive approach in monitoring SAP reports can give you ample time to prepare for the future. Furthermore, by integrating SAP with your IT management tools, you can massively increase IT efficiency by simplifying the troubleshooting process.

DO — Build Comprehensive Testing Scenarios:

To ensure that you get the most out of SAP, it’s important to create realistic and rigorous testing scenarios. These tests will prepare your business for worst case scenarios and help you come up with a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) that works in times of trouble.

There are a lot of different tests that need to be conducted every time you make even the smallest changes in the SAP interface. For example, performance testing on SAP can be used to test the response time of SAP applications, while web testing does the same for SAP web portals.

DON’T — Have Too Many Customized Functions:

The best thing about SAP is that it allows users to come up with customized functions that can massively increase an organization’s efficiency. That being said, it’s important not to go overboard with these custom functions as they can lead to quality issues.

Therefore, to ensure that your business always performs at optimum levels, it’s important to minimize the usage of custom functions. There are ample objects and functions already available in the SAP user interface that can be combined (or used independently) to enhance productivity without compromising on quality!

DO — Get The Experts Involved:

Given the complexity of the interface, it’s always a wise idea to get the professionals involved. If you’re looking for experienced technocrats to carry out your SAP digital transformation, get in touch with Crave InfoTech.

The company has been involved with SAP applications since 2007 and has all the tools needed to ensure a smooth transition. The Crave InfoTech team consists of highly experienced individuals that specialize in Digital transformation of your processes using Design Thinking and SAP UI-UX tools.

Get in touch with Crave InfoTech today to guarantee the success of your digital transformation.

