Past: A Record of Things That Existed

3 min readJul 20, 2022


To tell a story on how things started is usually exciting, thrilling, and somehow quite amusing. The countless stories I have heard in life absolutely rooted from something. Behind the events in the human history lies a numerous reason as to why it has to happened and what lead for it to happen. If trying to recount an event is connected with trying to relive it, I would use all the forces in the world to not recount some events that occur in my life, but these are the two impossible things that any individual can forever long for but never will achieve.

I hate retrieving but sometimes it is one of the things that we got to push ourselves to move forward, to close the chapter and get away from some things that has happened, for us to grasp knowledge, or to fully reflect on our life. I hate looking back and digging ancient issues in my past, but it is also something that I am good at. A former lover of mine told me that I should be a historian as I keep on referencing the past, but sometimes the past serves as a basis and a reminder on what patterns we must look out for. With this, I asked myself, why should we sometimes be bothered by our past when it is the past?

There are records in life that never exist, but Past is not one of them

There are records in life that never exist, but Past is not one of them. The past can be triggering as it shows our vulnerable side, our traumas, while revealing some of our mistakes, our losses and painful events. What we are right now is a product of our past. We have to remind ourselves that we are evolving creatures. Thus, we are not the same as yesterday and not who were in the past. Revisiting the past does not mean that you are not living in the present. For an instance, when building close relationships, I encourage one another to spend time dealing with the events in the past not because we cannot let go of it but because it is a collection of the things that we have experienced and gone through which provides several lessons that might help us to fully assess a present situation.

I have recently realized that we easily get trigger not because of the past itself but with the traumas that it left us with. Triggers exists because of the unresolved issues in the past. Properly dealing with the past is a way of healing and to cease fire. Referencing the past is NOT the same with condemning, especially when only used to support an argument. The past is a part of our life that is already written, no matter what we do we cannot revise nor erase it, whether we see it as a blessing or a curse, whether we like it or not. Being nostalgic and seeing the past as written all over the pages may be a setback but does not limit us to start over again. Remnants of the past exists to teach us and push us to not suck and not to stuck us.

