Kali Linux Training Course — Craw Security

Craw Security
3 min readDec 15, 2021

Kali Linux is one of the most famous hacking operating systems around. With it, you can learn to perform pen-testing, forensics, private security monitoring, and much more.

If you are looking to learn Kali Linux in 2021, here’s everything you should know about it before you take up training courses.

What is Kali Linux?

Whatever your needs in terms of cybersecurity training, Kali Linux might help. As one of the most renowned hacking OS available in the market today, the system offers a comprehensive set of software for users to carry out attacks.

You can use it for professional security monitoring by running various honeypots and managing security operations with it. Kali also allows users to learn pentesting which many believe is an essential skill in today’s world where digital breaches are so common.

Kali Linux Training Course

It is known for its powerful set of tools and features. With the right training, you can learn to carry out the following hacking activities with:

Reverse Engineering: You can use it to perform reverse engineering to identify vulnerabilities in your applications. You can also use it to reverse engineer the binaries of other software and identify vulnerabilities.

Penetration Testing: You can use it to perform penetration testing to identify vulnerabilities in the network and find the weak points in your applications.

Vulnerability Analysis: You can use it to identify vulnerabilities in applications, servers, and networks.

Credential Dumping: You can use it to find usernames and passwords used by different applications.

Network Intrusion Detection: You can use it to detect and prevent network attacks and identify malicious traffic.

The benefits of Kali Linux training courses include the following:

Easy to use

Kali Linux is simple to use and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any programming experience and you can get the basics in just a few hours. This means that it is ideal for anyone who wants to learn hacking techniques.

Complete penetration testing

The Kali Linux training course includes penetration testing which allows you to carry out a wide range of attacks on the target network. You can perform different types of attacks on the system and identify weaknesses that can be exploited.

Gaining knowledge in a short time

The Kali Linux training course allows you to gain knowledge in a short time and in an efficient manner. You will not have to spend hours on end trying to learn new hacking techniques. Instead, you can learn all the essentials in just a few hours.

Other tools available

Kali Linux training courses also come with a lot of other tools that will help you carry out attacks. The toolset includes Metasploit, WinEnum, NMAP, nftw, nmap, Nxmap, and many more.

Comprehensive training

The training course also comes with an instructor to guide you through the course. This allows you to learn in an environment where you can ask questions if you have any.


Craw Security is best institute to provide kali linux training course. They have best faculty to teach kali linux. Kali Linux is one of the most famous hacking operating systems around. With it, you can learn to perform pen-testing, forensics, private security monitoring, and much more. nad craw security will provide the best kali linux training course.

For more detail:-

Call:- +91 9513805401

Email:- training@craw.in



Craw Security

Craw Security offers a high level of technical education to its students, clients, and partners in the IT Industry.