Crazy Ant Labs
Crazy Ant Labs

We build SaaS applications that help developers. We focus on scale, simplicity and security.

We also buy SaaS applications. We're entrepreneurs who understand entrepreneurs, investing in amazing tech that meets our vision of making life easier for developers.

Our portfolio:

+ SFTP To Go - Secure, scalable and durable cloud storage used primarily to share and integrate data with 3rd parties, either automatically or manually without the need to maintain and handle APIs.

+ Cron To Go - Simple, flexible and reliable cloud scheduler. Schedule and run background tasks, keep your team notified on changes or failures and don't worry about execution.

+ Mailer To Go - Dead-simple email service for programmers. Send transactional email from your app without the burden of servers or proprietary APIs.

+ Activity To Go - Keep track of your Heroku app activity (deployments, config changes, team changes, etc) from within your org's Slack.

Medium member since March 2022