How Do You Convey An Idea if the Article is Written Entirely with Questions?

Do You Need To Be Convinced to Understand Or Is Understanding Agreeing?

Crazy Person™️
3 min readJan 25, 2023
Photo by someone from somewhere

Can you think of anything you fully understand but don’t agree with? Can you think of anything you agree with that you don’t understand?

I understand 1+1=2 and I agree with it, i think? I understand we live in a society where science says we are the same inside, but do I agree with it? And I can guarantee more people than not, disagree with me, do you disagree? But if I were to explain my reasoning behind my disagreement, am I attempting to convince others to believe what I think or understand what I think? Is my informative perspective meant to help others comprehend the idea, or my perspective? Am I a Doctor? A Scientist? Do I have evidence supporting my disagreement of mainstream science? Or am I talking out of my ass?

But why? What is the end game? And how do we know when the game is over? What if someone doesn’t accept our gifts of insight? How will we know? Do they have to agree, for us to accept they understand? What if they acknowledge our ideas, but don’t agree — can they still accept it? Do we play a part accepting their acknowledged disagreement, in order for it to be considered, accepted? And in the end, are we sure they understand?

Lets say they understand, but don’t agree, is that the same as acknowledging? Or do they have to be convinced to understand? Can someone be convinced of something without acknowledging it? Is a person convinced, also a person who comprehends or can they just be an agreeable person? Does agreeing and understanding go hand in hand or deceitfully tip toe around each other?

When you explain concepts to others, do you explain to convince them or do you want others to comprehend and decide on their own if they agree? And if they don’t agree, do you walk away feeling satisfied? Do you walk away accomplished because you gave them insight to understand? Or do you walk away shaking your head, wondering why they didn’t get it? Do you feel exhausted from not being able to convince someone else to believe in something you believe? Are you angry because they don’t agree with you, or are you angry because they don’t understand? Or maybe you’re angry because you’re not able to explain it to them well enough for them to agree, and you’re really angry with yourself — because that means, you are the one who doesn’t understand — the thing you’re trying to make them understand? I mean agree with, I think?



Crazy Person™️

I’m never talking about you but I am always talking to you.