Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris


14 stories

Image of the old west with a Snake AI salesman
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Future Landscape

34 stories

Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Societal Observations

66 stories

Old woman riding on a train
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Thinking Systemically

39 stories

Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Design Like It Matters

72 stories

A digital drawing of an owl. Fun fact: I created this in keynote using basic shapes, because I am an anthropologically trained researcher not an artistically trained anything.
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Emergency Planning

21 stories

Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Climate Resilience

54 stories

A suite of old, mainframe-style computers. Looming over them is a carny barker, waving a cane. Perched atop one of the mainframes is a skeleton in a robe, drinking a goblet of blood. On the right, a credulous, gap-toothed child in old-timey clothes grins in marvel at the barker’s pitch. The background is an out-of-focus filing room filled with ranked filing cabinets and busy clerks.
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Personal Growth

8 stories

Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris


9 stories

cows standing in flooded house
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris


11 stories

Ponder connectedness a midjourney visualization by Dave Ladouceur
Maxine Morris

Maxine Morris

Immersive Learning

1 story