Strengthening The Foundation

Garpou Brown
4 min readApr 14, 2017


If you didn’t know, I’m a digital marketer for several different companies, and a couple of these establishments are CrossFit gyms. So, a big part of how I tell their story is through combining photography with motivational quotes. Cliche, right? It’s amazing how popular it is though.

Most of the quotes I use come from credited Authors, famous people, and so on, but on the very rare occasion, I’ll throw one together myself. Usually it’s inspired from a mixture of what I’m personally going through and reading at the time. Whether they make sense or not is a matter of opinion, but this one seems to make more sense to me than normal.

“Strengthening our Foundation is a daily process but a lifelong reward.”

I’ve reflected on this and thought about how true this was to my own life. Over the past 4 years, I believe I have exhaustingly given my life to strengthening my foundation which was so weak and broken at the time.

It says in Matthew 7:24–25…

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.”

Four years back the storm came crashing down on me, completely wiping my house away because I chose to build my foundation on things and people and not God.

Change had to be on the horizon if I was going to move any further. I finally made the desperate decision to admit defeat, throw in the towel, and let God’s will start to take place.

The decision came first but quickly after I had to take action. I had to start rebuilding my foundation based on God, Family, and Faith. I had to set my values and begin my journey. I still fall short daily after 4 years of finding new ways and methods to serve, but the beautiful thing is that my daily actions that I am living are what I have been searching for this entire time, a purposeful life.

My foundation is strong today because I’ve implemented the Gospel, health, family time, prayer, books, new friends, new passions, and much more. I almost started from scratch when pouring this new slab. Aside from my wife and a few family members and friends I have a completely new blueprint today that I intend to add to as much as possible. Whether it be more prayer time, new friends, or a brand new hobby, I must continue to cultivate through Christ to keep a sturdy foundation.

For the rewards, they come in all shapes in sizes. For one I get to hold my family every day without my addiction present. I can sit calmly in a storm which could be job loss, financial trouble, death, or any other stressful situation. My foundation ultimately protects me from my future storms, and the more I lay the foundation for God on a daily basis, the safer my future gets.

Thank you guys for joining me on my journey in getting my thoughts into words.

I love you, and there isn’t anything you can do about it.

Zach Brown

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PS- Below are just a few pics of my kids enjoying a water sprinkler and some time outdoors. As I was cutting my grass, I glanced up to witness the happiness coming from such a simple moment and abundance of gratitude came over me. Thankful I could capture some of the moments with my camera.

Isaac Flexing
Smiling at Mommy



Garpou Brown

“He must increase, but I must decrease.” -John 3:30