CREAMJACK — Creamcoin blockchain BlackJack game — bet with CREAMcoin

CREAM cryptocurrency
3 min readOct 28, 2017


CREAMJACK — a BlackJack game for CREAMcoin is live.
Bet with Creamcoin, earn CRM, make a profit.

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Internet players confirm wagers by entering their password. The player is responsible for login credentials, blockchain addresses , bookmarking the login, and obtain the passwords and private keys. All wagers are FINAL. will not and cannot be held liable for internet players’ mistakes. It is the player’s responsibility to check all pending wagers immediately after placing them online, as well as confirm them to ensure accuracy. If the wager is not in the pending bets file, the player does not have a wager and forgot to confirm it by entering the password. The player must re-enter the wager and confirm with the password to have a valid wager. Minimum online wager is 1CRM.

Independent Investigation

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