The King of Spades — What is Self-Mastery?

Ashley J. Long
4 min readJul 19, 2016


The King of Spades. He is the King of Kings –and this card epitomizes Self-Mastery — which is what we are all striving for, right?

What is this self-mastery that the King of Spades teaches us?


When I posted the channeled session about What is Living as a Multidimensional Being? I wondered what card epitomized living fully as a multidimensional being.

It is truly the King of Spades. the highest card in the deck — the card we are working towards becoming in how we live.

This card sits at the intersection of the Sun and Saturn in the Earth Spread.

At first glance, this can seem confusing (at least it did to me) because Saturn is the planet of restrictions, self-discipline, challenges, limitations and Father Time. It is also considered the planet of Karma.

It is the planet with a ring around it. I call it the putting-us-in-a-time-out-box planet. It is like that awful P.E. teacher that made us run sand hills and the bleachers until our lungs and legs burst into fire and disintegrated before our very eyes.

Now, I get why we need challenges. The running of those sand hills created toned, lean, strong legs several months later. We benefitted from it and once we got through it, we could look back and thank that P.E. teacher and those sand hills.

But, I still didn’t get why the King of Spades sat in that position.

Let’s look at what Self-Mastery is all about:

  • Mastery is a state of alertness and clarity in the moment.
  • It is a state of awareness that gives you freedom to move spontaneously, able to respond to what is needed in the moment.
  • It is NOT a function due to a static body of knowledge.
  • It is active, conscious awareness of the moment
  • It is being ready for masterful action because of confidence, conviction and a knowing of the appropriate (notice I didn’t say “right”) thing to DO in the moment, without hesitation.
  • It is living in a state of being present — of having a presence; presence of mind and being.
  • This presence is powerful, charismatic, magnetic and commanding.
  • It is being a powerful leader who leads through their unique perspective (they know the importance of expressing their perspective, but to also be open to the perspectives of others.)

Because of the above qualities, they draw to themselves the resources, circumstances and people that allows them to reach their goals.

They know that no matter what is occurring; whatever is showing itself — people, ideas, attitudes, unexpected situations and changing circumstances- that they will maintain a state of equanimity. (A state of calm, level-headed, unperturbed awareness)

He knows that every single view, thing and person has value.

He knows that there is no need to resist situations. (this is not about living with zero discernment or thinking that everything that is going on is OK — it is about realizing that because we are of the Whole, everything and everyone is THEM.)

He views life from the whole; he examines it from the whole; he allows for all of it.

He knows that every situation could be the catalyst for a solution or innovation.

The King of spades is the King of Kings. It is the last card in the suit of spades- the last suit.

Spades are the culmination of all. The suit represents our challenges and experiences that help make us wise. It represents our work, our health and our spiritual life.

If you think about those areas of our life, it pretty much sums up everything. Our work affects our health and happiness.

Our health affects our work and happiness.

Our spiritual beliefs affect our health and work and happiness.

The King of Spades represents living from the realm of Infinite Possibility.

This is why we strive to live with self-mastery. It puts us in this position of living opened to solutions and surprises that are beyond our immediate view.

Back to his placement of Saturn and the Sun.

The Sun represents our life force. It is consciousness and creativity. It is aware and it creates. It is what creates life.

If Saturn is the hard task-master, then it is those situations that make us uncomfortable. It is those viewpoints, ideas, people and situations that, when viewed from this higher place, create the better solutions and reveal beneficial possibility.

Saturn is the 5th planet. The astrological glyph looks like a 5. Five is the number of change, of uncertainty and exploring new ideas and ways of being.

We cannot expand our consciousness if we never experience other perspectives.

The number five tells us to be open to change.

The King of Spades has the ability to be open to the idea that anything that shows up is valuable even when we disagree with it because it is likely to be a contributing factor in the result we want to produce, particularly when the result we are after is unprecedented. Evolution and expansion can only happen when we go beyond what already is.

The essence of life is uncertainty and unpredictability. This self-mastery of the King of Spades is the ability to read the uncertainty and use it.

Imagine this: Being open to any possible occurrence, any idea, any belief or situation as integral to the process that will bring about your desired result.

How would your life be different?

Originally published at Empowered Cardology.

