Raquel Rubio Trece
2 min readMar 5, 2022

Ironhack’s UX/UI design Bootcamp Prework : Design Thinking

Hello everybody! I'm going to present you the first step of the Ironhack adventure: UX/UI design Bootcamp.
I hope you see the Design thinking reflected in my work... as well as my nerves to show my first prototype. I hope you enjoy!

01. What’s Citymapper?

Citymapper is a mapping application that allows you to easily move around cities around the world, whether by public transport, bike, taxi, walking… it adapts to the user’s needs.

02. Problems

One pain point of the app, and public transport in general, is the need to buy many different tickets. Buying them making queues, saving them… and you must remember what each one is for.

Other problem that I discovered in the interviews with users, was the fear of not understanding how to buy tickets at the point of sale, it could be because of the language, the subway machine sometimes is complex, the transfers…

03. Ideate

Once analyzed all the problems, I came to the conclusion that the application had to serve to globalize and simplify travel.

The payment, which is the most important point, can be solved with a WALLET in which you deposit money previously, having your own fund.
Every time you are going to use a type of card (depending on transport, the city, etc.) you can activate them and the app will take care of paying from the wallet.
This will save us the step of looking for the ticket and selecting it each time.

On the other hand, I have added a tab called TRAVELER where the user can find information of points of interest or tourist attractions near the travel area in their language.

04. Prototype

05. Conclusion

I really enjoyed doing this exercise!

I think it’s curious to see how in the end the solution that seemed best to me was just to unify and simplify everything using my own experience and the user opinions, instead of just adding new features, which always seems like the answer to a problem when you try to solve it without analyzing it well first.

I hope you enjoyed reading my exercise!
See you in the next step