Freelance Writer Scams & How to Avoid Them

Amy Delcambre
8 min readMay 3, 2019

If it’s your first day, I’m going to rip the Band-Aid off — some people just plain suck, and despite what they say to the contrary, they’re not out to help you succeed or make money. They exist to waste your time and your money. Here I’ll cover common scams that can bamboozle even the savviest writer.

“Dear writer / editor, I’d like to exploit your dreams for financial gain. Please assist me in this endeavor. My mother didn’t give me enough hugs, and my thing is like so small.”

Freelance Writer Scams



Amy Delcambre

Owner at Satirist at EFA, ACES, & AG member. Word lover. Introvert. Oxford comma fan.