Why Study Abroad — Understand Your Reasons

Creative Aspirations
3 min readSep 22, 2021


If you ever make the mistake of typing the generic term “study abroad” into Google you will be bombarded with ads for weeks from agencies trying giving you superficial and generalized reasons why you should study abroad. When people talk about studying abroad it is assumed it’s a great idea. Yet when I sit down with a family and ask them the specific reasons they want their child to study abroad, I often get a blank stare or very general answers about career prospects, prestige and immigration prospects. While all three points are true in most cases, it’s important to understand that they are true because of other reasons. Let’s talk about three key reasons why I think studying abroad is important.

Increased Opportunities — I think this is the most common reason why Indian students study abroad. Getting a degree. While most would agree with the sentiment, I am not always sure they evaluate it through the lens of ‘increased opportunity’. I have seen many students take up an admit just to get out of the country. Sometimes that degree isn’t worth the paper on which it is printed. It won’t help get a job or a long-term visa. On the flip side, I have seen people pay way too much to get into what they feel is a top, top program for way too much money. You need to keep in mind that an education abroad is about finding the best value for money that maximizes your future.

Domestic Supply and Demand — With more than half of India’s population below the age of 25, there is a huge demand for a solid education and educational services. While India has made strides in creating seats in areas such as engineering, medicine and business there is a lack of seats in many other areas to match the talents of interested students. So when sorting out the best educational options in a given area of interest, the quality, and sometimes the cost, of studying abroad makes perfect sense.

International Experience — For anyone that has been abroad, being a part of another culture really gives you a different perspective on yourself and the world around you. In fact, studying abroad is not a one-way street. It is valued the world over and encouraged by universities that are often seen as top destinations by Indians. I actually studied abroad for six months of my third year of college in India. The personal and academic growth that occurs, is itself, an invaluable experience. Make sure you pick the right experience.

While your reasons for wanting to study abroad might be different from those above, it is still important to keep them in mind when making the decision to invest in an international education and which university to select.

About Post Author

Sheldon Wallbrown

Head of Admissions & University Relations

Creative Aspirations

Sheldon have over two decades working in education in both the United States and India. He has worked with hundreds of students find the educational opportunities that are right for them.



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