Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

CSS animation techniques

Creative Byte


Animation is an essential part of creating great and engaging user experiences. CSS allows developers to bring life to websites through a range of animation methods. In this post, we explore CSS animation techniques. Let’s get started!


CSS transitions provide a straightforward way to add animation to web elements. Whether it’s a hover effect, a color change, or a smooth transition between states, CSS transitions offer simplicity and elegance.

Key points:

  • Use the transition property to define the property to animate, duration, timing function, and delay.
  • Common use cases include hover effects, fading elements, and smooth state transitions.
/* Define a basic transition on hover */
button {
transition: background-color 0.3s ease;

button:hover {
background-color: #3498db;


CSS animations, based on keyframes, offer precise control over every step of an animation sequence. By defining keyframes at specific percentages, developers can choreograph complex animations with fluidity.

Key points:

  • Use @keyframes to define animation steps.
  • Use animation properties to control the animation’s duration…



Creative Byte

Here to share my journey, knowledge and thoughts about web design and development. 👩🏼‍💻