Data, Notes and Acknowledgments

Creative Commons
18 min readDec 8, 2015

Read the report here:

Note: The original data section is here. We are hosting this version on Medium to invite comments and feedback to help us improve the report in 2016.

Measuring CC’s slice of the Commons

This is the second year that Creative Commons has published a State of the Commons report. CC doesn’t host or control the content in the commons, which is hosted on a myriad of platforms and is made up of every type of media and data. We see this as an iterative process, where each year we improve our process and get better results. As with any large-scale global movement, it is impossible to quantify the full impact of our work. For example, how do we capture content that is insufficiently marked, or content that is in the public domain in some jurisdictions and not in others? When CC licensed work is remixed, how do we know when one work ends and another begins?

That said, we do have a handful of valuable tools that we’ve put to good use to tell the story of the CC licensed Commons and its massive growth. Building on the baseline we established with the 2014 State of the Commons reporting format, we continue to track size, scope, content, and diversity of the Commons. We added new stats from our servers, including widespread use of our CC license buttons and views of license deeds in different languages. We also added new usage data from more platforms hosting the majority of CC licensed content on the web. We aimed for variety in representation, both by media type and domain of content, and we focused on highly trafficked platforms with CC integrations up to the technical standard that would allow us to track this data over time. We also added sections on CC’s broader impact as a steward of our global Commons. We dug a bit deeper into open education, policy, and our shared cultural heritage in an aim to measure not just the quantity of the Commons, but the incredible impact that a robust Commons can have on different regions of world.

Still, given the breadth and reach of CC’s global diversity, this year’s report can’t fully capture the true scope of CC’s international impact. Our aim is to continue to refine our process each year, including a more in-depth, collaborative process that reflects the geographical breadth of CC content in different languages (see CC license use on the Polish web, for example). We also hope to collaborate with domain experts and content partners in open data and cultural heritage (what we like to call the GLAM sector) to include those stats, and eventually track commons growth in those fields over time. With regard to the open policy landscape, we are already collaborating with our partners in the Open Policy Network who are leading a State of Open Policy report for publication in early 2016.

Another huge undertaking on our wish list would be an effort to measure the public domain, not just the portion marked with our tools, but the entire public domain as it exists and as it is defined differently across jurisdictions. We may find that the topic merits a separate academic study and report, and look forward to outlining a best process for achieving and sharing comprehensive public domain data.

Ultimately, we want to be able to measure not just growth, but usability and vibrancy of the commons. The size of the Commons and its continued growth is most interesting when shared next to incredible stories of how the content is used by creators around the world to achieve CC’s vision and mission. This is why we have begun to ask for new metrics from platforms on how CC works are used, including data points like number of downloads, users, and site trends.

“More than 1 billion CC licensed works in the Commons as of 2015”

Google provided us with the raw data, counting all of the web pages in its cache that link to Creative Commons license deeds, which we used to make the estimates in this report. While pages may link to Creative Commons license deeds for reasons other than to license or attribute works under them, we reason that those are vastly outnumbered by pages that indicate a CC license choice without linking to the deed. We’ve supplemented Google’s data with that of several websites that each have over a million CC-licensed works but aren’t reflected in Google’s data.

Google data

  • Total web pages that link to current CC tools: 306,870,000
  • Total web pages that link to retired CC tools: 10,030,000
  • Grand total: 316,900,000

Source: Google query, available at Github.

Platforms not included in Google’s data

  • Total works across platforms listed in this table: 802 million

Google grand total 316,900,000 + total works across platforms (802 million) = 1,118,900,000 works (1.1 billion)

We cross-referenced data with sample size data from Bing which also put the total CC licensed or public domain works at just over 1 billion. This is still a low bound estimate, as we can’t know the total universe of platforms not included in Google’s data.

“More people are choosing to share openly!”

The bar graph showing breakdown by CC license and PD tool correspond to the following numbers which include Google data (web pages linking to current tools plus retired PD tool) and data from platforms not cached by Google (where we know the breakdown of works by license).

Total # of works reflected in bar graph: 1,008,283,451 (minus ~111 million works where the license was unspecified)

Breakdown by license: Google + Platforms not cached by Google = Total estimated works under that license

  • CC BY: 114,660,000 + 129,354,310 = 244,014,310
  • CC BY-SA: 67,800,000 + 305,756,937 = 373,556,937
  • CC BY-ND: 5,350,000 + 19,215,096 = 24,565,096
  • CC BY-NC: 11,130,000 + 45,793,028 = 56,923,028
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 37,230,000 + 99,330,609 = 136,560,609
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 47,340,000 + 90,361,041 = 137,701,041
  • CC0: 21,950,000 + 372,095 = 22,322,095
  • PDM: 1,410,000 + 1,220,335 = 2,630,335
  • Retired PD tool: 10,010,000

Total Free Culture works (CC BY + CC BY-SA + Public domain): 652,533,677. CC uses the definition of free cultural works at Freedom Defined to categorize the CC licenses. “Free Culture” licenses allow for both commercial use and adaptations. Learn more at

“The public domain is growing!”

The bar graph reflects the following data by year:

  • Total public domain works marked with CC tools in 2006: 3,276,000 (no breakdown by tool)
  • Total public domain works marked with CC tools in 2014: 17,557,500 (CC0: 10,310,000; PDM: 1,510,000; Retired PD tool: 5,737,500)
  • Total public domain works marked with CC tools in 2015: 34,962,430 (CC0: 22,322,095; PDM: 2,630,335; Retired PD tool: 10,010,000)


Just as in 2014, we did not include PD totals from platforms other than Flickr, which we were able to confirm were not included in Google’s data. As such, the total public domain works marked by our tools is a low estimate. For example, Europeana alone reports over 10 million works under PDM or CC0.

“In 2015, CC licensed works were viewed online 136 billion times”

Views of CC works were calculated by combining two sets of data: the number of times CC license buttons were downloaded by a browser as part of viewing a web page, and the number of Wikipedia page views. CC license buttons are hosted by the CC server; web pages that display our machine-readable code, as that from our CC license chooser, reference the CC license buttons hosted by our servers, which allow us to track each time a browser downloads the button image as part of someone viewing that page. In September 2015, CC license buttons were downloaded 552,015,520 times. We multiplied this number by 11.5 to achieve the approximate number of 6 billion views in 2015. We combined 6 billion with the total number of page views of Wikipedia in 2015 (130 billion) to reach 136 billion views. Wikipedia pages do not use the machine-readable code referencing the CC license buttons and therefore are not included in our server data. Since we have not accounted for the many CC licensed works that do not reference the CC license buttons hosted on our servers and that are not Wikipedia, 136 billion is a low bound estimate.

“To date, the 4.0 license suite has been officially translated into 7 languages, with 3 more to be published before the new year.”

Starting with the 4.0 license suite, CC instituted its first Legal Code Translation Policy. Official translations of the 4.0 suite and CC0 are tracked at

“People are sharing with CC licenses in as many as 34 languages with more than 90 million views of CC’s deeds in the last ten years”

Prior to CC’s first official translation policy, CC affiliates unofficially translated license deeds for understanding around the world. Since CC launched the first version of its license suite in 2002, CC deed pages have been unofficially translated into at least 34 languages. 90 million views reflects the total number of views of these deed pages from January 1, 2005 through November 3, 2015, with 2005 marking the earliest period where tracking with Google Analytics is available for our servers. For those interested in a specific breakdown of deed pageviews by language, we have included that data here. Language categories with an asterisk may include variations on that language for simplicity, eg. Chinese includes simplified and traditional Chinese.

Views of deed pages grouped by language (unofficial translations):

  1. Arabic: 28,438 views
  2. Belarusian: 7,686 views
  3. Catalan: 12,298 views
  4. Chinese*: 1,070,159 views
  5. Croatian: 331,111 views
  6. Czech: 333,413 views
  7. Danish: 30,735 views
  8. Dutch: 315,019 views
  9. English*: 67,155,975 views
  10. Esperanto: 19,984 views
  11. Finnish: 115,246 views
  12. French*: 2,204,878 views
  13. Galician: 10,760 views
  14. German*: 1,700,918 views
  15. Greek: 201,277 views
  16. Hungarian:170,549 views
  17. Indonesian: 14,604 views
  18. Italian: 1,411,242 views
  19. Japanese: 1,143,936 views
  20. Korean: 6,337,118 views
  21. Latvian: 4,611 views
  22. Lithuanian: 6,918 views
  23. Malay: 67,611 views
  24. Maori: 769 views
  25. Norwegian: 93,737 views
  26. Persian (Farsi): 6,917 views
  27. Polish: 351,859 views
  28. Portuguese: 2,148,746 views
  29. Romanian: 63,000 views
  30. Russian: 42,274 views
  31. Spanish*: 4,163,811 views
  32. Swedish: 129,838 views
  33. Turkish: 5,381 views
  34. Ukrainian: 15,372 views

“From research to cute cat photos, the Commons offers a treasure trove of content.”

Breakdown of works by media type includes data from 16 platforms plus the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Specific totals by platform below.

“Audio tracks: 4 million”

  • Jamendo: 496,289 / Source: Jamendo staff
  • Bandcamp: 1,950,000 / Source: Bandcamp staff
  • Free Music Archive: 86,394 / Source: Free Music Archive staff
  • Tribe of Noise: 29,000 / Source: Tribe of Noise staff

“Images (Photos, Artworks): 391 million”

“Videos: 18.4 million”

“Texts (Articles, Stories, Documents): 46.9 million”

“Open Educational Resources: 76,000”

“Research (Journal Articles): 1.4 million”

“Other (Multimedia, 3D): 23,000”

CC is everywhere: Millions of websites use CC licenses, including major platforms like Wikipedia and Flickr and smaller websites like your grandma’s blog.

Breakdown of works by platform includes data from 16 platforms and the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Specific totals by platform below, with additional usage data from some platforms.

“Flickr: 356 million photos”

Exact total: 356,403,451

  • CC BY: 67,354,310
  • CC BY-ND: 19,215,096
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 90,361,041
  • CC BY-NC: 45,793,028
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 99,330,609
  • CC BY-SA: 32,756,937
  • CC0: 372,095
  • PDM: 1,220,335

Source: verified by Flickr staff and accessed on 11/6/15

“Wikipedia: 35.9 million articles”

  • 100% of articles under CC BY-SA
  • Total # of views of CC content: 199.7 billion from Nov 2014–Oct 2015
  • # of registered users: 42,116,280
  • # of users registered in the past 3 months: 1,087,269
  • # of registered users that are active: 69,419 (defined as registered users who contributed 5 times or more in the past month)

Source: verfied by WMF staff

“Wikimedia Commons: 21.6 million media files”

Exact total: 21,650,962

  • CC0: 832,515
  • CC BY: 3,427,781
  • CC BY-NC: 4,839
  • CC BY-SA: 17,385,701
  • CC BY-ND: 0
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 123
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 3
  • PDM: 0
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 2,902,825
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 83.2%
  • # of registered users: 5,254,013
  • # of users registered in the past 3 months: 283,890
  • # of registered users that are active: 8,047 (defined as registered users who contributed 5 times or more in the past month)
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: 649,886

Source: verified by WMF staff

“Europeana: 20.9 million digital objects”

Exact total: 20,953,772

  • PDM: 10,300,806
  • CC0: 517,675
  • CC BY-SA: 2,953,210
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 3,311,299
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 1,836,195
  • CC BY: 1,398,867
  • CC BY-NC: 551,597
  • CC BY-ND: 84,123

Source: Europeana staff

“YouTube: 13 million videos”

  • 100% of videos under CC BY

Source: YouTube staff

“Vimeo: 5 million videos”

Exact total: 4,918,817 (Excludes CC0, so rounding up to 5 million)

  • CC: 55,583,807 videos
  • CC BY: 1,213,461
  • CC BY-SA: 408,614
  • CC BY-ND: 298,931
  • CC BY-NC: 790,365
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 587,729
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 1,619,817
  • CC0: Unknown

Source: Vimeo API (1, 2)

“Internet Archive: 2 million files”

Exact total: 2,006,490

  • CC BY-NC-ND: 479,181
  • PDM: 391,930
  • CC BY-SA: 320,436
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 248,785
  • CC0: 223,036
  • CC BY: 220,781
  • CC BY-ND: 65,126
  • CC BY-NC: 57,215
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 102,900
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 8%
  • # of registered users: 2,335,606
  • # of users registered in the past 3 months: 106,965
  • # of registered users that are active: 3,000,000 (defined as the number of unique IPs seen a day)
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: 107,383

Source: Internet Archive staff

“Bandcamp: 1.95 million tracks”

  • Approximately half are under CC BY-NC-ND or CC BY-NC-SA
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 11%
  • # of registered users: 660,000 users signed up for fan accounts

Source: Bandcamp staff

“500px: 661,000 photos”

Exact total: 661,307

  • CC BY-NC: 114,024
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 227,233
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 148,951
  • CC BY: 14,064
  • CC BY-ND: 34,831
  • CC BY-SA: 52,717
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 1.46% of total public photos
  • # of registered users: 6,000,000
  • # of registered users that are active: 1,000,000
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: 56,837

Geographic breakdown of users (top 15 countries; # of distinct users):

  • United States: 4,390
  • Germany: 3,139
  • France: 2,484
  • Spain: 2,082
  • India: 1,242
  • Canada: 1,186
  • United Kingdom: 1,137
  • Brasil: 1,126
  • Italy: 943
  • Russia: 836
  • China: 821
  • México: 656
  • Australia: 651
  • Switzerland: 429
  • Argentina: 413

Source: 500px staff

“Jamendo: 496,000 tracks”

Exact total: 496,289

  • CC BY: 26,305
  • CC BY-SA: 107,117
  • CC BY-NC: 6,301
  • CC BY-ND: 19,210
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 228,977
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 106,258
  • CC NC-Sampling+ (retired tool): 1,505
  • CC Sampling+ (retired tool): 616
  • Free Art License: 1,050 (compatible with but not equivalent to CC BY-SA)
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 99.8%
  • # of registered users: 2,453,719

Source: Jamendo staff

“PLOS: 140,000 articles”

  • Aside from occasional one-offs, all articles are licensed CC BY.
  • # of works under Version 4.0: No exact number, but PLOS has used CC BY 4.0 from 2014 onwards. 33,000 articles were published in 2014, and 135,000+ articles were published between 2003–2014.
  • Total # of downloads of CC content: ~22.8 million in 2014 (1.9 million monthly article downloads in 2014)
  • Total # of views of CC content: ~139.2 million in 2014 (11.6 million monthly article views in 2014)

Geographic breakdown of users (Regions of corresponding authors of research articles published in 2014):

  • Americas: 32%
  • UK and Europe: 33%
  • Asia-Pacific: 33%
  • Rest of the world: 3%

Source: PLOS staff

“Total Open Access articles under CC BY: 675,000; under any CC license: 1.3 million”

Exact total (any CC license): 1,323,304

  • CC BY: 675,686

Source: Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) on October 26, 2015

“Free Music Archive: 86,000 tracks”

Exact total: 86,394

  • CC BY: 3,615
  • CC BY-NC: 7,093
  • CC BY-ND: 802
  • CC BY-SA: 2,265
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 37,814
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 33,801
  • CC0: 774
  • PDM: 197
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 12,319
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 96%
  • Total # of downloads of CC content: 90,694,768
  • Total # of listens of CC content: 152,894,792
  • # of registered users: 235,060
  • # of users registered in the past 3 months: 9,851
  • # of registered users that are active: 11,785 (defined as registered users who have logged in in the past 3 months)
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: 13,485 distinct artists (users not included are individual curators and netlabels)

Source: Free Music Archive staff

“Boundless: 49,000 open educational resources”

  • 100% of OER under CC BY-SA
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 49,000
  • Total # of views of CC content: ~60 million visits in 2015 (5 million unique visitors a month)
  • # of registered users: 300,000+

Geographic breakdown of users (top 10 countries):

  • United States: 50.8%
  • India: 7.4%
  • United Kingdom: 6.4%
  • Australia: 4.5%
  • Philippines: 4.3%
  • Canada: 3.6%
  • Kenya: 2.4%
  • Malaysia: 1.9%
  • Pakistan: 1.6%
  • South Africa: 1.3%

Breakdown by type of user:

  • Students: 85%
  • Educators, Admin or Faculty: 10%
  • Other (experts, self-learner): 5%

Source: Boundless staff

“Tribe of Noise: 29,000 tracks”

  • 100% of tracks are CC BY-SA
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 3,800
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 100% on; 0% on
  • Total # of downloads of CC content: 500,000
  • Total # of listens of CC content: ~1.2 billion listens in 2015 (100 million unique listeners a month for CC-based music channels in-store)
  • # of registered users: 31,000 (90% are independent musicians)
  • # of users registered in the past 3 months: 640
  • # of registered users that are active: 26,700
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: ~27,900 (90%)

Geographic breakdown of users (top 5 countries):

  • United States: 9,000
  • Netherlands: 4,000
  • UK: 3,000
  • South Africa: 2,000
  • Canada: 1,000
  • Australia: 10,000

Age breakdown of users:

  • <16 years: 2%
  • 16–25 years: 21%
  • 26–35 years: 27%
  • 36–45 years: 21%
  • 46–55 years: 16%
  • 56–65 years: 10%
  • >65 years: 3%

Source: Tribe of Noise staff

“Skills Commons: 24,000 career training materials”

Exact total: 24,069

  • CC BY: 3,402
  • CC BY-SA: 3,429
  • CC BY-ND: 3,464
  • CC BY-NC: 3,430
  • CC BY-NC-SA: 3,430
  • CC BY-NC-ND: 3,465
  • Public Domain: 45
  • CC0: 3,402
  • Other: 2
  • percentage of works under CC or public domain out of ALL works on platform: 100%
  • Total # of downloads of CC content: 24,254
  • Total # of listens of CC content: 37,903
  • # of registered users: 595
  • #of users registered in the past 3 months: 108
  • # of users that use CC licenses, CC0 or PDM for their content: 100%

Geographic breakdown of users: 100% North America

Source: Skills Commons staff

“MIT OpenCourseWare: 2,300 courses”

Exact total: 2,304

  • 100% of content created by MIT faculty and staff is CC BY-NC-SA
  • # of works under Version 4.0: 2,304
  • Total # of downloads of CC content: 75,795,556 (zip + iTunesU downloads)
  • Total # of views of CC content: 1,214,440,794 (web + YouTube views)
  • # of registered users: n/a (121,589,875 unique visitors)

Geographic breakdown of users (top 15 countries; # of distinct users):

  • North America: 44%
  • South America: 4%
  • Africa: 6%
  • Europe and Russia: 17%
  • Asia-Pacific: 29%

Breakdown by type of user:

  • Learners: 43%
  • Students: 42%
  • Educators: 9%
  • Other: 6%

Source: MIT OCW staff; October 2015 report (;

Countries with Open Education policies

Countries listed have legislation, policies, or funder mandates at the national, provincial/state, or institutional level that lead to the creation, increased use, or support for improving OER. CC relied on our international open education partners to notify us of existing open education policies in their countries. For specific policy information, see the OER Policy Registry.

Total $ dispersed via policies to date:

  • United States: 2,249,843,557 USD; 2,802,750,000 USD projected for 2015/16
  • Canada: 16,040,000 CAD; 850,000 CAD projected for 2015/16
  • Poland: 45 million Polish złoty (approximately 11 million Euro or 13 million USD)

“Open Textbooks have saved students $174 million to date, with an additional $53 million projected through academic year 2015/16”

Our open education partners collectively reported cost savings of $174,448,941 USD after replacing proprietary textbooks and materials with open textbooks licensed under CC. These savings are to date, inclusive of the 2015 fall term. These same partners projected collective cost savings of $53,427,667 USD for the 2015–2016 academic year.

Data was collected via an open call to the global open education community. All respondents were from North America. All respondents, projects, reported savings, and sources are listed below. Due to the diversity of the open education space, savings were calculated per individual project. We only included a project’s cost savings in the total if a methodology was provided. We also avoided duplication by verifying each project’s savings by year.

See these tables for the complete list of reported savings by project.

Table Notes

Reported savings to date in 2015

  • All numbers are USD; savings reported in CAD have been converted using
  • If a project reports $0, it is because the project has just started; it has not tracked savings to date; or the number was not verified by the source.
  • Not all projects were able to provide projected savings, so the total is a low estimate.

Reported savings included from the 2014 State of the Commons report

“The Ford Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Vancouver Foundation, and Wikimedia Foundation”

“Together with The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, a longstanding open policy leader, these foundations collectively made grants of approximately $1.9 billion in 2015”

To arrive at this figure, we added the annual grantmaking figures from the most recent year available (2013) as listed on We assume those foundations will continue to make similar amounts of grants in the near future. The Gates Foundation policy applies only to research funding — it is not foundation-wide like the others. So we used the estimate of $900M/year quoted by Science.

Hewlett Foundation

Ford Foundation

Gates Foundation

Vancouver Foundation


Thank you to Google for providing us with the foundational data upon which this report was built. Thanks especially to:

Agnes Toth, Google

Brendan Hickey, Google

Paul Haahr, Google

Erin Simon, Google

We would also like to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their contributions. This report would not be possible without them.

Platform data

Alexis Rossi, Internet Archive

Ariel Diaz, Boundless

Benjamin Glatstein, Microsoft

Brandon Muramatsu, MIT Office of Digital Learning

Cheyenne Hohman, Free Music Archive

Danielle Ward, DeviantArt

David Knutson, PLOS

Donna Okubo, PLOS

Ed Harrison, Boundless

Guillaume Paumier, Wikimedia Foundation

Hessel van Oorschot, Tribe of Noise

Jake Johnson, Internet Archive

Jennifer Elias , Bandcamp

Juliet Barbara, Wikimedia Foundation

Kimberly Potvin, Flickr

Leo Lipsztein, YouTube

Martin Guerber, Jamendo

Matt Lee,

Matt McLernon, YouTube

Neil P. Quinn, Wikimedia Foundation

Nuno Silva, 500px

Paul Keller, Kennisland

Richard Lumadue, Skills Commons/California State University, Office of the Chancellor

Sarah Agudo, Medium

Tilman Bayer, Wikimedia Foundation

Yvonne Ng, MIT Office of Digital Learning

Open education data

Amanda Coolidge, B.C. Open Textbook Project

Amy Hofer, OpenOregon

Andrew Christopher, Institute of Museum and Library Services

Anita Walz, University Libraries, Virginia Tech

Barbara Illowsky, CCC Online Ed Initiative (OEI)

Buddy Muse, Montgomery College “Open Educational Resources”

Christie Fierro, Tacoma Community College OER Project

David Diez, OpenIntro

David Harris, OpenStax College

David Wiley, Lumen Learning

Elijah Scott, Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative, Georgia Highlands College

Gerry Hanley, California State University, Office of the Chancellor

Hetav Sanghavi, CK-12 Foundation

James Glapa-Grossklag, College of the Canyons

Jennryn Wetzler, US. Department of State

Kamil Śliwowski, CC Poland

Karen Vignare, University of Maryland University College

Katrice Hawthorne, University of Maryland University College

Kelsey Wiens, CC South Africa

Kim Thanos, Lumen Learning

Konstantin D. A. SCHELLER , European Commission

Lorna Campbell , University of Edinburgh

Marion Kelt, Glasgow Caledonian University

Nate Angell, Lumen Learning

Neeru Khosla, CK-12 Foundation

Norman Bier, Open Learning Initiative

Ovidiu Voicu, Foundation for an Open Society Romania

Paul Golisch, Maricopa Millions OER Project

Renva Watterson, Affordable Learning Georgia Initiative, Georgia Highlands College

Ricardo FERREIRA, European Commission

Richard Sebastian, Virginia Community College System

Rory McGreal, Athabasca University

Sara Trettin, U.S. Department of State

Sarah Cohen, Open Textbook Network at University of Minnesota


Bassel Khartabil drawing from and in the public domain, thanks to CC0.

Icons used with permission via subscription from the Noun Project. Courtesy these creators: Picture By Hoang Loi, VN; Book By Creative Stall, PK; Document By Melvin Salas, CR; Atomic By Geoffrey Joe, GB; Headphones By Molly Bramlet, US; Video-Player By Cédric Villain, FR; Book By Bryn Taylor, GB; 3D Glasses By Luis Rodrigues, PT; Cat By Rajha Surya, IN; Cat By Richard Zeid, US; Grandmother By Alberto Miranda, ES; Heart Bills By Till Teenck, DE; Public Domain; Book By Mike Ashley, AU; Gift By Stefan Parnarov, BG; Frame By Kari Svangstu, NO; Share By AJ Annunziata; Polaroid By Joe Mortell, GB; Waxing Crescent By hunotika. Icons originally licensed CC BY (



Creative Commons

Creative Commons licenses are a simple way to give others permission to reuse and share your creative work.