Keeping up with the Commons #5

It’s the tenth week of our bi-weekly link roundup, so tell us: What kind of links do you like to see from us? Respond below in the comments and don’t forget to click the little ❤ at the bottom of this post!

Creative Commons
2 min readOct 17, 2016
GIF IT UP 2016 entry by Nicolas Monterrat from Paris, France. Source material from@usnatarchives via DPLA and from Harvard University Libraries (also available in DPLA viaUniversity of California via HathiTrust). This gif is made available under a CC-BY-SA 3.0 license.
  1. It’s the annual State of the Commons call for projects! Send us your suggestions.
  2. On the blog, we’re #fixingcopyright, rocking copyright, discussing open 3D movies and the Freedom of the Press, and pushing for greater open health initiatives.
  3. You showed us your favorite examples of CC licenses in print.
  4. It’s the #ccquest! Join in every Wednesday to talk about what the commons means to you.
  5. Our friend Joi Ito talks with President Obama!
  6. Copyright on the campaign trail: how political campaigns rely on #fairuse
  7. “In 10 years you will see a world where most of the drug discovery is done in the open.”
  8. A Commons approach to the challenges of our time.
  9. A mosquito killing billboard that’s CC licensed?
  10. “[Open Access] has gifted scholars immeasurably and lent itself to the progress of science and arts. Here’s hoping the community will iron out the remaining challenges to further strengthen the movement soon.”

Your moment of inspiration

Send a message to the President by using the open source, CC0 licensed Facebook bot developed by Alex Macgillivray, Jason Goldman, and the team The White House



Creative Commons

Creative Commons licenses are a simple way to give others permission to reuse and share your creative work.