Creative Creation — The Roadmap — Here’s What Coming For You Next!

Creative Creation
4 min readNov 17, 2021


Creative Creation — The Roadmap
Creative Creation — The Roadmap

Creative Creation is the amazing gaming marketplace that the NFT and crypto space truly needs. Bridging the gap between gaming and Decentralized Finance (DeFi) industries, it works on a very fascinating idea of rewarding gaming fanatics with an opportunity to acquire digital assets while playing.

These virtual assets can be used as crypto coins that the players can utilize later to buy or sell NFTs or purchase any assets in the games.

The whole concept is to ‘Earn while playing’. And the idea definitely sounds interesting to the ones who love to play!

Technology & The Ideation Behind Creative Creation!

At Creative Creation, we’re leveraging the latest technology to uplift the entire gaming experience of our players across the world through various methods.

Thanks to Blockchain technology for enabling us to build a decentralized incentivization system that streamlines everything and helps us add greater value for token holders.

Experience NFT Gaming At Its Best with Creative Creation

Creative Creation has something unique that will make you want to never leave the platform. It’s about switching NFTs from one metaverse to another.

Like, if you’re playing one game and would like the same character to be there in all other games that you’ll be playing at Creative Creation, you can easily do it.

All it would require is for that character to adopt the unique features of that specific game, and it’d be easy to go then. So, in simple terms, you can make one character play different games in different avatars.

Sounds great! Right?

We still have a long road ahead and there are a lot of things on the list to bring together this revolutionary gaming and NFT marketplace. With our IDO (Initial Decentralized Offering) events approaching soon, there’s still much to be done. And 2021–2022 will surely be the challenging year for the entire Creative Creation team. One that we’re definitely looking forward to!

So, here we want to give our community a deeper look into our roadmap and what’s coming up next at the Creative Creation. Let’s go through the roadmap below!

Creative Creation — The Roadmap!

Play & Earn Digital Currency While Playing; Grow Using the Same Assets to Buy & Sell NFTs in Any Game!

Q4 2021 — Private and Seed Investor Round

The last quarter of 2021 is going to witness one of the most important milestones for Creative Creation. Our Private and Seed Investor Round will take place in November 2021. It will help us to achieve our goals and everything that’s in the Roadmap.

Q1 2022 — Public Sale

We will have our super-exciting public sale in the month of January 2022 allowing our users to join before the Initial Decentralized Offering (IDO).

Q1 2022 — First & Second NFT Drops

In each game designed by us, there would be 4 different categories of characters and each category would have 5 characters. So in the first NFT drop, we would generate 1111 more NFT for each character in Category A. Hence, for 5 characters, the count of NFT will be 5555.

Similarly, 5555 NFTs will be generated for Category B in second NFT Drops.

Q2 2022 — Game Launch

Once we are done with the first & second NFT drops, we will focus on introducing new games into the ecosystem. At this stage, we will provide the creative space to our developers and companies to list their own games.

Currently, we’re planning to come up with our first ever game i.e. Crypto Combat, whose story is based on Mobsters, Mafias, and Gangsters.

We’re planning to launch more such games in the future to give our audience an exceptional gaming experience.

Q3 2022 — Third & Fourth NFT Drops

Likewise for the first and second NFT Drops, 5555 NFTs will be generated for Category C and D in Third and Fourth NFT Drops respectively.

Q4 2022 — Development of Metaverse Game

In the last quarter of 2022, we’ll develop and deploy a metaverse game environment where players would be able to take NFTs from one game, from one metaverse to another metaverse, another game.

They would be able to use the same characters in multiple games with them adopting different features for each unique game.

Q1 2023 — E2E for Enhanced Gaming Experience

In the first quarter of 2023, we’ll perform the end to end testing to ensure all games at Creative Creation Marketplace work smoothly and hassle-free for the players operating from around the globe.

This round will be dedicated to improvise the entire gaming experience and add much more attractive features to deliver high-end user experience.

Q2 2023 — Deploying the Killer App

In the second quarter of 2023, we’ll complete and deploy our full-functioned Killer App and launch the same in the market with full-fledged marketing campaigns running around.

To know more about our roadmap, please go through our whitepaper here.

Do not miss your chance to join us on this creative journey! Follow us on Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Medium.

