Try, Try, Try

Creative Daze
3 min readMar 23, 2017


A sneak peek into my most recent adventures into new things…

1. Collaboration!

My good friend and classmate, Danielle, suggested working together for our blogs this week. I am so glad she did, because it was a ton of fun!

Dani is an fantastic artist, and her Tutorial Tuesday featured a wreath she drew and painted. I lettered a cute little quote to go inside, and we are both pretty pleased with how it turned out.

Does this mean more collaborative ventures are in the near future? Perhaps… :)

2. Digital Art

I recently invested in an iPad Pro (with help from my family’s business) for the purpose of pursuing lettering as an entrepreneur.

While scrolling through Pinterest one day, I came across this gorgeous painting / lettering combination (see left). I decided to import it into the Procreate App to attempt to recreate it. Multiple hours later, I arrived at this (see right).

I’m pretty proud of the result of my effort, and I have an even greater respect for digital artists. For now, I’ll stick to lettering!

Images from left to right:

1) An image I found on Pinterest that I liked enough to copy. Find the original here: (

2) The recreation of that image that I made on the Procreate App on my iPad Pro.

3. Etsy

Something I’ve always wanted to do is start my own business selling art. Sadly, I believe I qualify as a jack of all trades, master of none. This means I’m not the most talented artist in drawing, painting, graphic design, etc.

BUT, I found a niche. I love to write, and I love handwriting.

Gratefully, I have been able to combine these passions of mine in the creation of an Etsy shop!

So far, I’ve only listed two items, but there is more to come!

Image Descriptions from left to right:

1) Narwhal design I used for one of the phone wallpapers in my shop

2) the Etsy shop itself found at this link: (

3) a sneak peek at my Instagram (

Thanks for reading this! I hope it helps give you a bit of an update on how I’ve been using my 100 days of creativity and how I am doing with my new business.

Feel free to respond with suggestions for new products or posts! :)

P.S. I’m going to start including graphics like the one you see below to denote which of the 7 activities per week I include in that particular post. Today’s post features Tuesday (drawing) and Wednesday (lettering).

