An Ode To The Wind: I Breathe You In, Oh Invisible Form

4 min readApr 11, 2024
Photo by Oliver Hihn on Unsplash

Soft or billowing
North, East, South, West
Rushing or pushing
North, East, South, West
Pulling, prodding, wafting
…gently guiding…
You have been with me every step of the way.

When I opened my eyes for the first time it was you who rushed in to greet me, and what a welcome it was — you were quite the exuberant surprise!

I was 5 years old when I heard you knocking on the door. I went to answer, but no one was there. Grandma told me that it was you. I didn’t know you could do that. Thank you for protecting me by shifting my direction that day. It wasn’t until years later that I discovered what the noise was that I was following up the stairs that morning. Your knock saved my eyes from seeing the evil that was lurking upstairs. Thank you for guiding me away. Your presence and guidance have always been there for me.

Your gentleness has soothed my wounds, allowing them to breathe. I remember one day when I fell. That was the very first time I put roller skates on. My ill-prepared biological father thought it would be funny to grab my arms and pull me along, too high a speed for my little legs, ended up with bloody scrapes on both knees, and mom pouring…




Enjoy, George Michael's 'Freedom,' Have a wonderful weekend. See ya soon! Will be off & on as available! xo