What is a kids habit tracker, and why do I joyfully use it?

creative homeschooling
3 min readApr 29, 2022


Morning routine as part of a daily habit tracker for children

Every parent hopes for their children to grow up to be great leaders, successful people, and role models in the community: What can we do to make that goal a reality?

A child’s first school is their home, and their parents are their first teachers.
If we plant and protect a seed, it will produce sweet fruits at an early age in the mind of a child. It is important to remember that children are incredibly receptive and eager to learn from us.

God has given us a lump of clay from which we can fashion a plate, a bowl, or a lovely vase of our own making. It’s up to us to decide what we want to do.
As a tree can resist strong winds, torrential rains, and tremendous hailstorms, so should the foundation we build for it. Our children will be shielded and prepared for any event if we sow specific seeds in their lives, such as schedules, routines, journals, and daily planners.

There is no doubt in our minds that everything in the universe operates on its own schedule and adheres to it consistently. Routines are the foundation of every successful person’s success. Everyone from world leaders to athletes to artists to corporate executives has a daily schedule.

I made a decision to empower my children by designing daily routines such as a morning routine and an evening routine, as well as a “kid’s daily habit tracker” to encourage my children to complete their morning and evening routines on their own and grade their performance. Our child’s behavior dramatically improved as a result of following these routines and using the daily habit tracker. We were able to get out of the house more quickly, lowering behavioral issues and disagreements at home, improving family ties, and establishing healthy habits for our children, such as early bedtime and regular storytime, thanks to this habit tracker.

Routines, I’m certain, will make parenting a lot less stressful: When I shared the habit tracker I created for my kids with friends and family, everyone noticed a positive change in their children’s conduct and congratulated me for providing them with such an effective tool for teaching their children self-control and allowing their parents to enjoy stress-free days. My desire to help other parents like you motivated me to create this resource.

Happy families are the result of happy parents and happy children!

Why use a habit tracker?

Tracking daily routines will help youngsters develop self-control, attentiveness, and the ability to form and maintain healthy habits.
Daily habit tracker has also been shown to attract young minds and aid their development into happy and successful adults.

What is it, exactly?

Because of this, a habit tracker is a great way to teach youngsters good habits quickly.
The daily habit tracker for kids is a one-of-a-kind resource we’ve created to help them become more efficient in the way they go about their daily lives.
A morning routine and an evening routine are included, with each routine containing a set of everyday activities or habits.

How to Use It?

It should take an average of 45 minutes for each routine to be complete. At first, give them extra time to accomplish the task and allow them to work at their own pace. Starting with an hour and working your way down to 30 minutes is the best strategy I can give you.

The primary goal of this habit tracker is to encourage children to follow a strict morning and evening routine and to rate their performance with their parents based on factors such as whether they acted on their own without being asked, and whether they completed the routine within the specified time.
It’s fine to give them less than 5 stars if they didn’t complete the exercise in the time frame.
To demonstrate how I use this habit tracker to monitor my son’s morning routine, I made this short video

