How to Safely Lose Weight Fast: Insights from Dietitians.

Geoffrey Waihenya
9 min readJun 27, 2023


Rapid weight reduction is not advisable; however, there are methods to initiate weight loss in a responsible and nourishing manner.

By Geoffrey Waihenya

Harvard health

Achieving rapid weight loss can be tempting, especially with the prevalence of fad diets and social media showcasing quick results. However, it’s essential to recognize that shedding 10 pounds in 10 days is often unrealistic and can lead to negative consequences. “Yo-yo dieting” or “weight cycling” has been linked to an increased risk of mortality.

Losing weight is not a one-size-fits-all process and can be challenging for various reasons, including factors like life-stage, body composition, physical activity, genetics, and hormones. Additionally, it’s important to remember that weight is just one aspect of overall health and should not be the sole focus.

Experts in nutrition and fitness advise against extreme calorie restriction and excessive exercise due to health concerns. These approaches may result in rapid weight regain once discontinued. Instead, the healthiest approach to weight loss involves improving your overall diet and lifestyle.

If sustainable weight loss is your goal, there are several universally applicable and healthy tips that you can start implementing right away. These concepts can positively impact your journey:

Editor’s Note: Weight loss, health, and body image are complex topics. Before embarking on a diet, we encourage you to gain a broader perspective by reading our exploration of the dangers associated with diet culture.

10 Professional Tips for Achieving Safe Weight Loss

  1. Increase your veggies consumption

One effective strategy for promoting safe weight loss is to increase your intake of vegetables. Instead of focusing on restrictive diets, prioritize incorporating a wide variety of nutritious foods into your meals. Vegetables are particularly beneficial as they are low in fat and calories while being rich in water, fiber, and essential nutrients. By including more vegetables in your diet, you can add volume to your meals, increase satiety, and promote weight management.

To make healthier versions of your favorite dishes, consider substituting higher-calorie ingredients with fruits and vegetables. For example, you can replace starchy white rice with cauliflower rice or opt for a 50/50 blend. Aim to make at least 50% of your meal consist of vegetables, ensuring you’re on the right path towards improved health.

Remember, incorporating a variety of vegetables into your diet can not only support safe weight loss but also enhance overall health and well-being.

2. Creating a Healthier Breakfast: Enhancing Your Morning Meal

If you’re currently skipping breakfast and struggling to prioritize a healthy lifestyle, incorporating a balanced morning meal can be a game-changer. A well-rounded breakfast that combines fiber, protein, and healthy fats in a delicious dish has the power to revolutionize your day. By skipping breakfast, you may disrupt your hunger hormones, resulting in afternoon “hangry” feelings and increased cravings for sugary and refined carbohydrate foods. Overcoming this challenge becomes more difficult, making it harder to resist oversized portions and unhealthy food choices.

The key to a satisfying breakfast lies in creating hearty meals that not only keep you full but also prevent cravings later in the day. Aim to consume between 350 and 500 calories for your morning meal, focusing on incorporating essential components such as lean protein sources (e.g., eggs, unsweetened Greek yogurt, nuts, or nut butters), filling fats, and fiber-rich options like vegetables, fruits, or 100% whole grains. This combination not only stabilizes your blood sugar levels but also promotes a sense of satiety, aiding in your weight management journey.

Remember, starting your day with a balanced breakfast filled with a variety of nutrients can contribute to slimming down and supporting your overall well-being. Embrace the power of a nutrient-packed breakfast and experience the positive impact it has on your lifestyle.

3. Cutting Out Sugary Beverages for Health and Weight Loss

When it comes to satiety, liquid calories simply don’t measure up to the satisfaction we get from consuming real food. Sipping on a juice or indulging in a caramel coffee drink may be momentarily enjoyable, but they pale in comparison to the fulfillment derived from a bowl of vegetable- and protein-packed stir-fry. By choosing to skip sugary beverages, you can achieve weight loss more easily while reaping additional benefits for your heart health and diabetes prevention.

It’s important to be mindful of your intake of juice, soda, sweetened coffee and tea, and alcoholic beverages. Consuming each of these beverages throughout the day can add up to an extra 800 calories by nighttime, leaving you still feeling hungry. Furthermore, alcohol has the potential to suppress fat metabolism, making it more challenging for you to burn those additional calories.

By monitoring and reducing your consumption of these sugary beverages, you not only eliminate unnecessary calories but also improve your overall health. Skipping liquid calories is a simple and effective way to create a calorie deficit, which is essential for weight loss. Additionally, this practice contributes to heart health and helps in preventing conditions like diabetes.

Remember, choosing whole foods over liquid calories ensures a greater feeling of satiety and supports your weight loss journey. By being mindful of your beverage choices and opting for healthier alternatives, you can take a significant step towards achieving your health and weight goals.

4. Utilize effective weight management

Incorporating movement into your daily routine can be a valuable tool for managing weight. One accessible and cost-effective option is walking, which requires nothing more than a comfortable pair of shoes. Research has shown that individuals who walk approximately 8,200 steps per day have a reduced likelihood of obesity, as well as a decreased risk of major depressive disorder and other chronic health conditions. Therefore, walking is not only beneficial for weight loss but also promotes overall health.

In addition to walking, engaging in strength training can have a profound impact on your weight management journey. By building lean muscle tissue, you enhance your body’s ability to burn calories both during physical activity and at rest. Lean muscle tissue remains active and helps you burn calories 24/7. The more lean muscle you develop, the faster you will experience slimming effects.

By combining regular walking and strength training exercises, you can create a well-rounded fitness routine that contributes to effective weight loss and overall health improvement.

Remember, movement is a powerful tool for weight management. Embrace the simplicity of walking and the benefits of strength training to support your weight loss goals and achieve a healthier lifestyle.

If you’re new to strength training and looking to embark on this transformative journey, starting can be easier than you think. Incorporating a few key exercises into your routine can kickstart your strength training journey right at home or in the office.

Begin with exercises such as planks or modified push-ups on your knees. These exercises engage your core and upper body muscles, helping you build strength gradually. Squats and lunges are also excellent options to target your lower body. These exercises utilize your body weight and help develop leg muscles.

To add resistance and challenge to your workouts, incorporate free weights. Perform simple bicep curls or tricep extensions using weights that are comfortable for you. These exercises will target your arm muscles and promote strength development.

Feel free to explore additional exercises that target your abs, arms, back, and legs to keep your workouts varied and engaging. By introducing new moves, you can work different muscle groups and continue to challenge your body.

Committing to strength training just three to four times per week can yield remarkable results. Not only will you experience improvements in weight loss, but you’ll also notice enhanced range of motion, stability, and posture. Strength training has a transformative impact on your overall fitness and well-being.

Remember, starting strength training doesn’t have to be complicated. Begin with a few foundational exercises, gradually increase your weights and repetitions, and enjoy the benefits of improved strength and physical capabilities.

5. Embrace Mindful Eating for Optimal Health

Incorporating mindful eating practices can have a profound impact on your portion control and overall food choices. By slowing down and truly focusing on the sensory experience of eating, you can cultivate a deeper awareness of your body’s needs and make conscious decisions about what and when you eat.

When you take the time to savor the taste, textures, temperature, and smells of your food, you naturally become more attuned to your body’s satiety cues. This heightened awareness can help you gauge when you’ve had enough, preventing overeating and promoting portion control.

Mindful eating goes beyond simply paying attention to the physical aspects of your meal. It also involves being fully present in the moment, mentally and emotionally engaging with what you’re eating. By doing so, you can identify unnecessary munching moments that often go unnoticed throughout the day, adding extra calories without your awareness.

Additionally, mindful eating empowers you to avoid consuming foods that you haven’t consciously chosen for yourself. It shifts the focus of control from external authorities and cues to your body’s innate wisdom. By listening to your body’s signals and honoring its true needs, you can make better choices in the short and long term.

An important aspect of mindful eating is recognizing where your extra calories actually come from. By being mindful of the sources of unnecessary calories, you can make informed decisions and make healthier choices that align with your goals.

Embrace mindful eating as a powerful tool to enhance portion control, make better food choices, and regain control over your eating habits. By tapping into your body’s inner wisdom and being fully present with your meals, you can create a healthier and more balanced relationship with food.

6.Add a Flavorful Twist to Your Culinary Adventures

Embrace the Calorie-Cutting Power of Spicy Foods

Did you know that incorporating spicy foods into your diet can assist you in reducing calorie intake? It’s true! The secret lies in capsaicin, a compound present in jalapeño and cayenne peppers, which has the potential to slightly enhance the release of stress hormones like adrenaline. This boost can, in turn, accelerate your calorie-burning capabilities. Furthermore, consuming hot peppers may promote slower eating and prevent overeating, as it helps you stay attuned to your satiety cues. Not only are hot peppers a fantastic choice, but you can also explore the benefits of incorporating ginger and turmeric into your meals. These flavorful alternatives offer similar advantages to support your mindful eating journey. So, spice up your dishes and enjoy the dual benefits of flavor and calorie control with the help of capsaicin-rich ingredients.

7. Be a Slumber aficionado

Getting an insufficient amount of sleep, less than the recommended seven hours per night, can have a detrimental effect on your metabolism, as supported by extensive research. Chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt the hormones responsible for regulating hunger, leading to poor food choices. Moreover, studies have linked inadequate sleep with lower quality diets. Apart from its impact on weight management, quality sleep offers numerous other benefits, including heightened alertness, improved mood, and enhanced overall well-being. So, prioritize your ZZZ’s and reap the rewards of improved health and weight loss. To start, make incremental changes by gradually moving up your bedtime by 15 to 30 minutes — every minute counts!

8.Maintain a dietary log.

Individuals who meticulously record their food intake, particularly during mealtimes, demonstrate a higher likelihood of achieving sustained weight loss, as indicated by consistent research findings. Engaging in this habit requires less than 15 minutes per day on average when done consistently, as reported in a study published in the journal Obesity.

Commence your tracking journey by utilizing a mobile application such as MyFitnessPal or opting for a traditional notebook. This practice will enhance your sense of responsibility regarding your dietary choices. Additionally, having a written record in front of you enables easy identification of areas that could benefit from improvement.

9.Avoid succumbing to the temptation of skipping a meal.

Our nutrition experts emphasize that refraining from skipping meals is crucial for effective weight loss. If you find yourself in a busy schedule where sitting down for a meal is not feasible, ensure you have a piece of fruit and a pack of nut butter readily available in your car or purse, and keep snacks conveniently stocked in your desk drawer. Going extended periods without food has a detrimental impact on both your metabolism and increases the likelihood of overeating later in the day. Commit to consuming three meals and two snacks daily, and avoid going longer than three to four hours without eating. Consider setting a reminder on your phone to prompt your snack time if necessary.

10. Nourish yourself with nutrient-dense foods.

Increase your intake of foods rich in essential minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium. These minerals can help counteract the effects of sodium and reduce bloating. Include foods such as leafy greens, orange fruits and vegetables (oranges, sweet potatoes, carrots, melon), bananas, tomatoes, cruciferous vegetables (especially cauliflower), low-fat dairy products, nuts, and seeds in your diet. Not only do these foods help combat bloating, but they also offer various other health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, regulating blood sugar levels, and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

