Go Live or Go Home: How to Bust Facebook’s Algorithm

Creative Why
2 min readMar 29, 2017

Facebook is constantly changing its algorithm, stating that its goal it to keep evolving the site to be more and more in line with what its audience wants: to see posts published by friends and family, and not by brands.

Considering that Facebook has billions of active daily users (which certainly includes practically everyone you know and also everyone you want to promote your brand or business to), it’s hard to imagine a marketing campaign or effort without utilizing the social media giant.

The hit to organic exposure has been a sore spot for everyone from large publishers like Buzzfeed to small local businesses. To make a tough situation worse, in order for brands to theoretically show up in Facebook’s News Feed, they then would have to move to paid advertising…. but around the same time last summer that Facebook tweaked its algorithm, it also started running out of advertising space.

While this sounds dire, there is an enormous marketing opportunity on Facebook that can effectively serve as a workaround for dearth of other promotional options on the popular social network.

Live video.

Not only has Facebook been doubling down on its live video feature, but also it’s also three times as likely to be shown in the News Feed versus static content. Just this week Facebook announced that everyone worldwide can now “broadcast live video to Facebook from desktop or laptop computers.”

Take advantage of Facebook Live today, while it’s still in its infancy and the “Wild West” mode. If you haven’t done it yet, check out Facebook’s Tips + Tricks for best practices and easy ways to get started.

Our advice to bust the algorithm is to burst out of your shell and push past your fear of not being perfect. Facebook Live is a great way to authentically tell your story and give your customers a taste of you and all your brand has to offer.

So go ahead — let them love you live.

And if you need help with your live video strategy, give me a shout!



Creative Why

A strategic digital agency that believes in putting your bottom-line objectives first. http://creativewhy.com @creative_why http://facebook.com/creativewhy