Why May the 4th Tells the Story All Marketers Need to Hear

Today’s the day when everyone you know will be sharing memes, gifs and other images and graphics celebrating the unofficial Star Wars holiday, May the Fourth (Be With You).

Creative Why
2 min readMay 4, 2017


And while the Star Wars saga started a long time ago (40+ years ago), it is James Campbell’s orbit that helped elevate this particular story into one of the greatest ever told.

For all of you James Campbell fans (which includes George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars), his book about the amazing power of mythology, The Hero with a Thousand Faces is the ultimate inspiration for storytellers everywhere.

To effectively tell stories that resonate with your audience, you need to look no further than Campbell’s sage dissection of the key parts of the hero’s journey in order to create a compelling tale that engages readers or viewers by tapping into their innermost longings and deepest fears.

By uncovering the myths that are common to various cultures (i.e. the triumph of good over evil, the power of devotion, the search for meaning, etc.), you can give your stories the same kind of timelessness and inclusiveness that Lucas’ Star Wars has.

For marketers, making universal experiences personal and infusing your brand stories about who you are, what you care about and how you express those values is truly what it takes to capture the imagination, interest, participation and loyalty of your desired clientele.

If you want to be a marketing hero, you must take your audience on a journey that is in the end not about you — it’s ultimately all about them.

Like any good story, this is the surest way to a happy ending that includes strong sales and a thriving community of devoted customers.

So enjoy this May 4th — and may its marketing force always be with you!



Creative Why

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