Why “Mobile” Must be Your Marketing Mantra

Marketers have many mantras, but the one that should be at the top of your mind is “mobile.”

Creative Why


And it’s not just because there are 3.5 billion mobile internet users today; nor is it because mobile search is now officially more prevalent that desktop.

It’s because of the profound shift in consumer expectations caused by the rise of mobile Internet use, or as Google calls it, the “micro-moments” that now define routine consumer behavior.

A couple of years ago, Google started talking about how to characterize the way people on the go access products and services. From “well-advised consumers” who rely on mobile search to find the “best” options, to “right here consumers,” who want their mobile search queries to automatically provide localized results, and to “right now consumers,” who want to make last minute or spontaneous purchases and arrangements, it’s all about delivering immediate, personalized options to go, do, and buy.

Today’s consumer is mindful of micro-moments created by your brand on mobile. The crucial question is not just whether you fulfill the requirements of these top three consumer behaviors, but also how well you do it.

These micro-moments can begin in Google or other search or in a social media news feed. The content at each stop must be aligned with and customized to each channel.

Also, keep in mind that speed is vital. Once your website shows up in a top search spot, then you have to make 100% certain that it’s optimized for mobile viewing, which includes delivering the exact information your customers are looking for in a matter of split seconds.

Welcoming them to your virtual lobby is the first step … converting them to do business with you is the ultimate goal.

Keep in mind that this is an ongoing, ever-evolving process — it’s micro-moments… not moment. Marketers must ensure their mobile strategy is omnipresent, not just on one particular digital or social channel.

And here’s one more mantra for you: A, B, T — always be testing. Make sure all of your brand experiences are seamless and answer the call of mobile consumer behaviors at all time. Often we can’t point to one moment in particular, so it takes multiple impressions on various platforms.

The empowered consumer lives in the micro-moment. Find your mobile marketing Zen by meeting them in that space with rich information, personal experiences, and speedy delivery.



Creative Why

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