, Blockchain Technology, and the Future of the Democratic Content Economy
5 min readMay 28, 2018


In the world of digital marketing, content plays one of the most important roles. It is not only used to add value for the Internet surfers and online shoppers, but also to improve the position of a website in the search engine results pages.

While from the perspective of end content consumers, middlemen and closed platforms there is no apparent problem, content creators are struggling in the current content economy — which, by the way, is currently a $300 billion dollar market. was developed with marketers and content creators in mind. Let’s see what is, and how it can solve the common problems with the online content creation economy.

What is Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology was developed by a person who goes under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. It allows distribution of digital information on a global scale, while at the same time preventing anyone from copying it or tampering with it.

Simply put, it is a structure of data where each transmission of data over any given network gets digitally signed, so that nobody can change or manipulate it. Before any transaction is possible, all of the nodes on the blockchain network have to come to a consensus regarding a transaction’s authenticity. This mechanism, along with powerful encryption, made blockchain one of the most prominent technologies of the 21st century.

To sum up, this tech gives people the opportunity to be part of a transparent market, where each transaction is secure and verified before it gets settled and recorded.

What is

Are you familiar with the Captiv8? It‘s one of the world’s largest enterprise influencer marketing platforms. The team that built it is the same team that developed and designed When they were making it, they were governed by the belief that content creators should be allowed to earn more, while marketers should get authentic content with real value. is the first content creation protocol based on blockchain technology. Without diving into the technical side of things, we can refer to it as a highly sophisticated marketing protocol, designed to connect marketers to the global pool of content creators and enable them to reach large audiences thanks to influencer marketing.

It it designed to remove the middleman and closed platforms from the equation, and to reduce, if not completely remove the friction from this process. The protocol is completely built on Ethereum blockchain, thus enabling payments, contracts, content delivery and campaign creation.

Why blockchain? Since the content economy already exists, the developers came to an idea to build a centralized marketplace where influencers and marketers can monetize their ideas, content, and large and trusting audience. The blockchain technology presented itself as the only viable solution that makes the entire platform easy to use and available around the globe.

With access to decentralized global platform, influencers can become online sellers, while brands can get the biggest bang for their buck.

The Main Problems in the Online Content Creation Economy

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Social media platforms have enabled individuals to become very popular and somewhat famous in the online community. However, even after 10 years, content creators and influencers are still unable to reap the financial benefits from their status and creations. This is because the current online content creation economy faces several major problems.

In order to sell their social media popularity and get paid for the content, influencers and content creators need a transparent market. Today, the situation is quite gloomy. Marketers are unclear about whether they should use this or that platform to convey their specific marketing message to their target audience.

At the same time, influencers can’t migrate their audience. They have to stick with the platform on which they’ve already built a presence. All this causes confusion in both influencers and businesses that are looking for them.

Furthermore, marketers don’t have access to a single platform to solve their influencer marketing problems. Instead, they are forced to juggle several influencer marketing campaigns and hope for the best. This doesn’t give any control over the quality of the deliverables and the value they add for the end users.

In the end, we have to address the problems surrounding payments. Content creators don’t get paid immediately after they post the content. This is completely understandable, since marketers want to see the results before they pay content creators.

The Benefits of and Blockchain Technology

Thanks to the transparency and verified trading, blockchain has a lot to offer to a centralized market such as the one has built. With blockchain technology, some of the seemingly unsolvable problems can be completely overridden. This includes supply and demand matching, transaction frauds, unstandardized catalogs of product information, fake product and seller reviews, and ungoverned settlement execution.

With brands and influencers have access to a system that brings accountability back into the game and allows them to purchase the deliverables of the highest quality possible. What’s more important, with a centralized platform marketers can not only identify potential influencers that suit their purposes, but also verify them and make sure that they are able to convey the desired brand message to the intended audience.

Additionally, the content creation platform can calculate efficacy of the content and the impact it has on the overall campaign. As the data accumulates on the network over time, will be able to standardise the price for each type of content.

When it comes to the payments, handles them in the following fashion: after an influencer accepts a proposal from a marketer, the funds are held in escrow. The funds get released after both parties agree. If the end result is of poor quality or is delivered after the deadline, the platform applies specific penalties.

With, the future of the democratic content economy seems very bright. With it, content creators will be able to maximize their earnings while taking part in the first content creation platform based on blockchain technology.



We're the world's first blockchain protocol for content creation, connecting creators and marketers on a global scale. Join us on Telegram: