Video Content Creators Shaping the Future of Branded Content
5 min readJul 6, 2018


Nowadays, word of mouth recommendations have become much more popular and reliable than anything else when it comes to brands. Although mass advertisements are still important, customers value a personal approach more, and that is one of the reasons people rely greatly on video content creators. YouTube influencers are people who create branded content based on their personal experiences carefully targeting audiences that might be interested in the brands they are promoting. Brands are benefiting from these people, as they have just the right techniques to increase their popularity, and thus their profits.

In this article, we will focus on the importance of video content creators and how they affect the popularity of branded content.

Why Youtube Influencers Have Become so Popular

In a world flooded with promotional materials, people find it hard to trust the quality of products and services, so they turn to YouTube influencers when they need to make a decision about what to purchase, and here is why.

They offer authentic personal experiences — YouTubers have a way to engage vast audiences through authentic storytelling. By creating engaging branded content in a unique and often humorous style, they speak to their subscribers on a deeper and more personal level, which creates a feeling of trust and gives them motivation to just go and buy a certain product.

They are not celebrities — Although people like to look up to celebrities, they cannot truly relate to them, so chances are they will have more trust in regular people whom they’ve gotten to know through numerous videos that always have a certain personal aspect.

They are often cheeky, friendly and funny, all of which appeals to their subscribers and makes them easy to relate to. This sense of familiarity creates a kind of intimacy that cannot be achieved when a celebrity presents a certain brand.

They can reach audiences worldwide — YouTube is now accessible to almost everyone. The majority of people worldwide spend a lot of their time watching YouTube videos. The content creators have a great global appeal, as some of them even add subtitles to their videos so that they can reach out to customers all over the world.

They follow trends — YouTubers are usually the first ones to try the latest trends, discover new products and ways in which they can be used. Through them, people can get in touch with brands and be encouraged to try things they haven’t tried before, or didn’t even know existed.

Why Brands are Now Relying on Video Content Creators

Photo credit: Pixabay

With traditional advertisements it is impossible to effectively target certain audiences, as they are broadcast to practically everyone. That is why influencer marketing has become number one strategy when it comes to establishing your brand and reaching a new audience through social media platforms. Many brands are now turning to content creators to promote their products and services, and this is why:

They create good branded content — Everyone is aware of the fact that quality content is essential for any marketing campaign. YouTubers make creative content that brands themselves wouldn’t even think of. The content of their videos serves as a review for products and services based on their features and quality, which can’t actually be presented in typical advertisements. Their opinion of a certain brand quickly becomes the general opinion of their subscribers.

They are trustworthy Reportedly, word of mouth recommendations are the most credible type of advertising. People usually tend to be skeptical about brands and advertisements, as they are too biased. However, when they hear the experiences of people who have tried certain brands and whom they have established some kind of a relationship with, they are more likely to trust their judgment.

They are easy to connect with — As this type of marketing has become immensely popular, there are now numerous platforms where you can find content creators easily by setting filters. You can connect with them and start a conversation, and you can measure the ROI of your influencer marketing.

They can increase your brand awareness — Content creators, especially YouTube influencers, have a great way to generate awareness when it comes to brands; they can make them look more popular and authentic. Moreover, they have a significant number of subscribers/followers on different social media platforms, so they are able to increase your brand’s reach.

The Main Platforms for Branded Video Content

Instagram — It enables content creators to host “Instameets” where brands can meet with local creators who have big audiences. As far as videos go, Instagram recently introduced a change, allowing one minute videos, instead of 15 second ones (as it was before), thus making things even better for video creators. Since Instagram is a great place for anything that you can buy or sell, it‘s the perfect spot to grow your brand recognition and promote your video.

YouTube — Although YouTube is recognized as a medium for fun and entertainment, it’s also amazing for growing your audience and making your brand more recognizable. Video bloggers do especially well on YouTube and they can drive your brand awareness through the roof with one ten minute video.

Vimeo — Another great platform for raising brand awareness is Vimeo. They have a Vimeo Brand Studio, and you can check out the options they offer to see if you can promote your videos and brand here.

To sum up, these ways of advertising are most probably the future of brand marketing and if you are looking for a chance to get recognized, you should certainly check out some of the platforms to find the right content creators who will promote you and thus ensure that you get more customers.

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