Want To Support Creatrix Tiara’s Work? Yay! Here’s How!

Creatrix Tiara
3 min readApr 20, 2016


Hi there!

Thanks for reading and enjoying my work! Here are some ways that you can support me:


  • My big project for 2018 is Queer Lady Magician, a stage show for Melbourne Fringe about my childhood love of magic, revisiting it with social justice eyes, and dealing with demons of manipulation and impostor syndrome. I have a TinyLetter for the project — please subscribe for updates (and if you’ll be in Melbourne for Fringe, do come!). We could definitely use some help in sponsorships and funding (among other things), so drop me a line if you have any suggestions.



  • Hire me! Queer Lady Magician, my day job, and some other projects mean that I’m mostly available for very part-time work (1–2 days/week) or casual hours in Melbourne or remotely, but I’m open to discussion especially for work after October 2018 as things wind down. My background is largely in arts, media, organizing, administration, production, research, writing, education, and tech, and I am pretty flexible with job roles and companies. Here’s my LinkedIn.
  • Book me! I’m available for all kinds of gigs in writing, performance, presenting, speaking, teaching, production, and I’m sure many more that we can work out together. Asides from the links above, do check out my writing portfolio and my Vimeo, YouTube, and SoundCloud channels.



  • Connect with me on social media! I’m pretty prolific on the Internet, but I’m mostly on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Mastodon and Instagram, along with some Pinterest.
  • Sign up for my newsletter! It’s kinda dormant at the moment as I try to figure out what to do with it, but if you sign up now you’ll be first to know when I get back into the swing of things.
  • Drop me an email! Whether to chat, talk shop, work on a project, just about anything (so long as it’s not trolling).
  • Invite me to things! Hosting an event that I should check out? Run a meetup group in line with my interests? Want to share your favourite eating spot? Tell me about it! I’m especially interested in things in Melbourne since that’s where I am, but am also open to travelling for the right opportunity.

Thank you for your support!



Creatrix Tiara

liminality, culture, identity, tech, activism, travel, intersectionality, fandom, arts. signs up for anything that looks interesting. http://creatrixtiara.com